Tuesday, May 15, 2012

PHOTOGRAPHY: Opening the Georgian and German photographers' exhibition and presentation of the photo album „Georgia - Myth and Reality"

ქართველი და გერმანელი ფოტოგრაფების გამოფენა ,,საქართველო - მითოსი და რეალობა“/ Opening  the Georgian and German photographers' exhibition  and  presentation of the photo album „Georgia - Myth and Reality"
copyright: Wolfgang Korall
16th May 2012 at 6:00pm - Friday, 1th June at 6:00pm

Literature Museum. 8 Chanturia st. Tbilisi

During the days of the 20th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Georgia and Germany”

Opening the Georgian and German photographers' exhibition and presentation of the photo album „Georgia - Myth and Reality".

Authors: Wolfgang Korall, Angela Fensch, Sebastian Schobbert, Frank Rödel, Beso Gulashvili, Irina Kurmaeva, Guram Tsibakhashvili, Natela Grigalashvili, Mariam Amurvelashvili.

Exhibition will last till 1 of June.

Link: www.deutschewoche.ge

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