Friday, July 13, 2012

VORTRAG: Gender und Migration in Hinblick auf die Region Nagorno Karabach

Am Dienstag, dem 17.07. um 16.00 Uhr wird Frau Dr. Nona Shahnazarian bei uns in Jena (Institut für Kaukasiologie in Jena) zu Gast sein. 
ORT: Campus, Jena, Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3, SR 309 

Frau Shahnazarian ist Anthropologin an der Kuban-Universität in Krasnodar (Russische Föderation) und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Center for Caucasian and Pontic Studies (CCPS) in Krasnodar.

Frau Shahnazarian wird zum Thema: Gender und Migration in Hinblick auf die Region Nagorno Karabach sprechen. 

Migrations and Gender Transformations in Post-Soviet Karabakh


On Tuesday, the 17.07., Mrs. Dr. Nona Shahnazarian will be with us in Jena to guest. Mrs Shahnazarian is anthropologist at the Kuban University Caucasian in Krasnodar (Russia) and researcher at the Center for and Pontic studies (CCPS) in Krasnodar. Mrs Shahnazarian will speak on the topic of gender and migration in terms of the region of Nagorno Karabakh.


Nona Shahnazarian has been an Associate Researcher at Center for Pontic and Caucasian Studies (Krasnodar, Russia, from 1999 to present) and Lecturer, Kuban State University (from 2002 - 2005), Kuban Socio-Economic Institute in Krasnodar (from 2006 to present). She received her Candidate՛s Degree in Social Anthropology from the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, (17 May 2005) and has conducted fieldwork in Russia, USA, Armenia, Georgia, and Nagorno-Karabagh through grants from Memorial (Historical and Human Right organization, Moscow; 2003, 2004), the Soros Foundation (1999, 2004), and The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (2004), The Carnegie Fund (2006), Fulbright (2006-2007), Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS – 2008). Her recent articles on the Caucasus include,

“The Virtual Widows of Migrant Husbands in War-Torn Mountainous Karabagh,” in: Generations, Kinship and Care. Gendered Provisions of Social Security in Central Eastern Europe. Ed: H. Haukanes and F. Pine, Volume No.17. University of Bergen. Center for Women’s and Gender Research. 2005;
Kosmarski, A, Shahnazarian, N. “Krasnodar, Karabakh, Moscow: Reflections on a Post-Soviet Anthropologist at Home/ in the Field”. in Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies. Ed. P.Cowe. UCLA. 2007;
“Gender Scenarios of Ethnic Conflicts: Narratives of the Karabakh War”. Ab Imperio. Studies of New Imperial history and nationalism in the Post-Soviet space. 1/2007. Moscow;
Shahnazarian N. “Nomadic Identity: The Case of the Hemshil (Hemshin(li)).” in The Hemshins ed. H. Simonyan: Curzon-Routledge. London. Forthcoming in 2009. Published also in Russian Diaspora, 4, 2004, 85-104.
Shakhnazaryan, N. “Femina Sovietica: Survival in Caucasian Way”. Vestnik Evrazii, 4, ed. S. Panarin. Moscow, 2006.
La situation linguistique des Arméniens du Haut-Karabagh : l'emprunt lexical comme création intralinguistique // Revue du Monde Armenien Moderne et Contemporain, 6/2001, Paris, Societe des Etudes Armeniennes. P. 51-73.
Nona Shahnazarian, PhD in Social/Cultural Anthropology

Currently: Visiting grant scholar at Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Royal Academy of Arts and Science (NIAS).

Center for Caucasian and Pontic Studies (CCPS);
Kuban Socio-Economic Institute
Krasnodar, Russia,
Ph. +7 (861) 261 59 57

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