Monday, September 24, 2012

SCIENCE: Sociologist Thomas Luckmann to participate in conference in Yerevan

PanARMENIAN.Net - Yerevan State University (YSU) Faculty of Sociology, in partnership with DAAD Alumni Association, will organize an international science conference titled “Social Construction of Reality: Chances and Risks for Human Communications“, with famous sociologist Thomas Luckmann participating.

The opening of the conference is scheduled for September 25, 9 am.

Luckmann is a follower of the phenomenological school of sociology, established by the German-American scholar Alfred Schütz. In his works, he has developed a theory, known as social constructionism, which argues that all knowledge, including the most basic common sense knowledge of everyday reality, is derived from and maintained by social interactions. Luckmann is probably best known for the books The Social Construction of Reality, written together with Peter L. Berger in 1966, and Structures of the Life-World, which he wrote with Alfred Schütz in 1982.

Luckmann is a member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts and holds honorary doctorates from the Universities of Linköping and Ljubljana.

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