Wednesday, October 03, 2012

RESEARCH: International Conference 11-13 October 2012, Istanbul (

( Registration 

The call for abstracts has expired. If you are interested in attending the conference as a guest, please register here.

Security, Democracy and Development in the Southern Caucasus and the Black Sea Region

The Academic Swiss Caucasus Net (ASCN), in cooperation with Kadir Has University, is pleased to organize an international conference on Security, Democracy and Development in the Southern Caucasus and the Black Sea Region to take place in Istanbul on 11-13 October 2012.

The conference offers a forum for the presentation and discussion of ongoing research projects. It will consist of thematic panels, roundtables and keynote speeches bringing together researchers and policy makers. 


fileicon Programme (pdf)


fileicon Brochure.pdf (pdf)

Conference Papers

Please click here to access the conference papers.
Content: The conference overall will address the interaction of security, democracy and development in the Southern Caucasus and the wider Black Sea region. Specific topics and debates will be explored within and between these broad themes. Research papers will include contributions from a variety of social science disciplines as well as interdisciplinary work. Panels and roundtables will analyse evolving state level, regional and broader international processes, present new scholarship and allow the exchange of ideas from a wide variety of national, theoretical and intellectual perspectives.

Venue and Timeline: The conference will take place on the premises of Kadir Has University. The selected participants will be informed about the programme and the specific conference panels, as well as organisational details, in due time.


Application deadline: 25 April 2012
Selection of abstracts: end of May 2012
Submission of papers: 24 September 2012
Papers online on conference website: 1 October 2012
Conference: 11-13 October 2012

Further Questions:

Scientific Committee: Roy Allison (Oxford University), Pavel Baev (Peace Research Institute Oslo), Nicolas Hayoz (University of Fribourg), Ghia Nodia (Ilia State University), Dimitrios Triantaphyllou (Kadir Has University)


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