Wednesday, April 24, 2013

CULTURE: MOVES #50: Giorgi Maisuradze - on Parajanov May 14, 2013

Sergei Parajanov (1924 born in Tbilisi, Georgia, 1990 died in Yerewan, Armenia) is one of the most important and prolific filmmakers of the 20th Century.

Under hostile conditions for independent artists, under Soviet censorship and criminal prosecution – as an artist as well as an homosexual – Parajanov succeeded in developing and completing his very own stile. With his moderate oeuvre of less than 20 films he inspired and still inspires innumerable artists, writers, musicians, and – of course – filmmakers.

Giorgi Maisuradze – a Berlin based Cultural Studies academic, writer and translator – will report in image, text and sound on Parajanov.

Oranienburger Strasse 18, 10178 Berlin

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