Friday, May 31, 2013

EXHIBITION: “PHOTOGRAPHY IN GEORGIA” - the presentation of the book on June 6, 2013

On June 6, 2013, at 8 PM
Union PILOTS and the TBC Gallery will host
the presentation of the book


This publication is the first attempt of analyzing the development of Georgian Photography in the years 1955-2012. 

The book illustrates up to 2000 color and monochrome photo images from 201 photographers. These are the photo-documents that shaped the history of country’s most recent 60 years.

The book presentation will be accompanied by the photo-exhibition of unique Georgian State News Agency (Sakinformi) collections covering 

Soviet Georgia’s life from 1960s up until the “Perestroika’s” launch in 1985.

The “Sakinformi” photo-exhibition is held for the first time in Georgia.

The evening will be followed by Robi Kukhianidze’s ethnic rock

Please visit us at the following address:
7 Marjanishvili Str. TBC Bank


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