Thursday, January 09, 2014

A LETTER FROM GEORGIA: Sakdrisi "gold mine" & Romanian gold mine protest (

( We appeal to you on behalf of The Unity of Archeologists of Georgia, regarding the sensitive issue of the so-called “Sakdrisi Oldest Gold Mine” in Bolnisi Municipality, Georgia...

Recently, the problem regarding this archeological object has become the subject of wide discussions of the certain circles of the society, not only in Georgia but also abroad.

Georgian-German archeological team, headed by Mr. Stollner and Mrs. Ghambashidze think that the object represents the ancient goldmine and, hence, it shall be granted the status of monument. However, there are quite strong scientific opinions, stating that the existence of the gold mine in Sakdrisi 5,400 years ago is not proved.

Furthermore, this summer the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia founded an ad hoc professional commission, which has studied the problem and formulated the conclusion that the German-Georgian archeologists has provided no reliable and scientific proofs on the existence of the prehistoric goldmine, dated back to 4th-3rd millennia B.C. Moreover, there is no doubt that in 2006 the status of cultural heritage was assigned to the so-called “Sakdrisi-Kachagiani oldest gold mine” by falsification and full negligence of the Georgian laws.

Instead of appealing the decision of the Ministry of Culture in the Court of Justice, Mr. Stollner and Mrs. Ghambashidze launched a dirty PR campaign, which obliges us, The Unity of Archeologists of Georgia to provide you with all necessary documents in order to have a full picture of the up mentioned case.

The matter of our concern is that we would like you to understand the situation more clearly:
· - If the truth is not proved, the mining company, which paid US $150 million for the license, will withdraw from Georgia;
· - This will cause firing of about 3000 direct workers and in addition unemployment of 1000 men now completing logistic works for the company;
· - Cancelling of 85% of the Bolnisi regional budget;
· - Cancelling of about US$ 30 million annually paid by the company to the state budget as different taxes;
· - Huge ecological disaster as far as liquidation of the company will cause spills of heavy metal bearing water to the Mashavera Rivar, now purified by the company;
· - Huge damage to the image of Georgia as a country creating good environment for investors.

Contact: Giorgi Gagishvili, Director, LTD ''UNITY OF ARCHAEOLOGISTS''

Georgia,Tbilisi (via Paolo Biagi's e-mail for relevant documents

Älteste Goldmine wird nach dubiosem Gutachten einer modernen Minengesellschaft preisgegeben []
Georgia's Lost City of Gold
The Gold Mine of Sakdrissi: Results and analyses and a calculation of the prehistoric gold exploitation
THE So Called Ancient Gold Mine of Sakdrisi-Kachagiani – Myth or Reality?
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Video: Romanian Gold Mine protest

Gold in Georgia []
Position to Sakdrisi Gold Mining Complex (Deutscher Verband für Archäologie)
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THE So Called Ancient Gold Mine of Sakdrisi-Kachagiani – Myth or Reality? []
Culture Heritage Which We Neglect – Ancient Mine in Sakdrisi []  
Goldbergbau in Südostgeorgien – Neue Forschungen zum frühbronzezeitlichen Bergbau in Georgien [pdf]

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