Friday, May 30, 2014


( Elizabeth Cullen Dunn and Martin Demant Frederiksen, Special Section Guest Editors
Elizabeth Cullen Dunn and Martin Demant Frederiksen 241

Void Pasts and Marginal Presents: On Nostalgia and Obsolete Futures in the Republic of Georgia
Katrine Bendtsen Gotfredsen 246

Once Upon a Time, There Was Sex in Georgia
Paul Manning 265

Humanitarianism, Displacement, and the Politics of Nothing in Postwar Georgia
Elizabeth Cullen Dunn 287

The Would-Be State: Reforms, NGOs, and Absent Presents in Postrevolutionary Georgia
Martin Demant Frederiksen 307


Christian Hajjis-the Other Orthodox Pilgrims to Jerusalem
Valentina Izmirlieva 322

Reconstructing the Meaning of Being “Montenegrin”
Jelena Džankić 307


David Frick, Kith, Kin, and Neighbors: Communities and Confessions in Seventeenth-Century Wilno (Theodore R. Weeks) 372

Keith Brown, Loyal unto Death: Trust and Terror in Revolutionary Macedonia (Isa Blumi) 375

Derek Sayer, Prague, Capital of the Twentieth Century: A Surrealist History (Thomas Ort) 378

Omer Bartov and Eric D. Weitz, eds., Shatterzone of Empires: Coexistence and Violence in the German, Habsburg, Russian, and Ottoman Borderlands (Mark von Hagen) 381

Katherine Lebow, Unfinished Utopia: Nowa Huta, Stalinism, and Polish Society, 1949-56 (Anthony Kemp-Welch) 384

Diane P. Koenker, Club Red: Vacation Travel and the Soviet Dream (Polly Jones) 387


Pauline Fairclough, ed., Twentieth-Century Music and Politics: Essays in Memory of Neil Edmunds (Linda Edmondson) 391

Albert Kaganovitch, The Long Life and Swift Death of Jewish Rechitsa: A Community in Belarus, 1526-2000 (Eugene M. Avrutin) 392

Walter Richmond, The Circassian Genocide (Sufian Zhemukhov) 393

Benjamin C. Fortna, Stefanos Katsikas, Dimitris Kamouzis, and Paraskevas Konortas, eds., State-Nationalisms in the Ottoman Empire, Greece and Turkey: Orthodox and Muslims, 1830-1945 (Evguenia Davidova) 395

Olga Litvak, Haskalah: The Romantic Movement in Judaism (Israel Bartal) 396

Marcin Wodziński, Hasidism and Politics: The Kingdom of Poland, 1815-1864 (Gershon Bacon) 398

Joshua M. Karlip, The Tragedy of a Generation: The Rise and Fall of Jewish Nationalism in Eastern Europe (Barry Trachtenberg) 399

Karen Auerbach, The House at Ujazdowskie 16: Jewish Families in Warsaw after the Holocaust (Antony Polonsky) 401

Marinia Cattaruzza, Stefan Dyroff, and Dieter Langewiesche, eds., Territorial Revisionism and the Allies of Germany in the Second World War: Goals, Expectations, Practices (Nancy M. Wingfield) 402

James Mace Ward, Priest, Politician, Collaborator: Jozef Tiso and the Making of Fascist Slovakia (Melissa Feinberg) 404

Olaf Leiße, Martin Roth, and Christian Gesellmann, eds., Die Republik Kosovo-Der jüngste Staat Europas: Eine politische Bestandsaufnahme seit der Unabhängigkeitserklärung (Sabrina P. Ramet) 405

Anna Moskal, Im Spannungsfeld von Region und Nation: Die Polonisierung der Stadt Posen nach 1918 und 1945 (Winson Chu) 406

Cathleen M. Guistino, Catherine J. Plum, and Alexander Vari, eds., Socialist Escapes: Breaking Away from Ideology and Everyday Routine in Eastern Europe, 1945-1989 (Scott Moranda) 408

Charles King, Odessa: Genius and Death in a City of Dreams (Rebecca Stanton) 409

Alex Drace-Francis, The Traditions of Invention: Romanian Ethnic and Social Stereotypes in Historical Context   (Keith Hitchins) 411

Mark Thompson, Birth Certificate: The Story of Danilo Kiš (David A. Norris) 412

Catherine Portuges and Peter Hames, eds., Cinemas in Transition in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989 (Gordana P. Crnković) 413

Ewa Stańczyk, Contact Zone Identities in the Poetry of Jerzy Harasymowicz: A Postcolonial Analysis (Charles S. Kraszewski) 415

Katka Reszke, Return of the Jew: Identity Narratives of the Third Post-Holocaust Generations of Jews in Poland (Genevieve Zubrzycki) 417

Jesse Paul Lehrke, The Transition to National Armies in the Former Soviet Republics, 1988-2005 (Dmitry Gorenburg) 418

Richard Connolly, The Economic Sources of Social Order Development in Post-Socialist Eastern Europe (Béla Greskovits) 419

János Mátyás Kovács and Violetta Zentai, eds., Capitalism from Outside? Economic Cultures in Eastern Europe after 1989 (Ivan T. Berend) 421

Marlene Laruelle and Sebastien Peyrouse, Globalizing Central Asia: Geopolitics and the Challenges of Economic Development (Emilian Kavalski) 422

N. N. Pokrovskii and G. D. Lenkhoff [Gail D. Lenhoff], eds., Stepennaia kniga tsarskogo rodosloviia po drevneishim spiskam: Teksty i kommentarii, 3 vols. Vol. 3, Commentary, G. D. Lenkhoff (David K. Prestel) 424

Alanna E. Cooper, Bukharan Jews and the Dynamics of Global Judaism (Albert Kaganovitch) 425

Anna Kuxhausen, From the Womb to the Body Politic: Raising the Nation in Enlightenment Russia (Katherine Pickering Antonova) 426

A. S. Tumanova, ed., Samoorganizatsiia rossiiskoi obshchestvennosti v poslednei treti XVIII-nachale XX v. (Lynn M. Sargeant) 428

Ol’ga Malinova-Tziafeta, Iz goroda na dachu: Sotsiokul’turnye faktory osvoeniia dachnogo prostranstva vokrug Peterburga (1860-1914) (Natalia Baschmakoff) 429

Catherine Wanner, ed., State Secularism and Lived Religion in Soviet Russia and Ukraine (Roy R. Robson) 431

Annie Epelboin and Assia Kovriguina, La littérature des ravins: Écrire sur la Shoah en URSS (Leona Toker) 433

Gary Rosenshield, Challenging the Bard: Dostoevsky and Pushkin, a Study of Literary Relationship (Ian Helfant) 434

Boris Dralyuk, Western Crime Fiction Goes East: The Russian Pinkerton Craze 1907-1934 (Elena Baraban) 435

Greta N. Slobin, Russians Abroad: Literary and Cultural Politics of Diaspora (1919-1939), ed. Katerina Clark, Nancy Condee, Dan Slobin, and Mark Slobin (Adrian Wanner) 436

Lidiia Ginzburg, Prokhodiashchie kharaktery: Proza voennykh let; Zapiski blokadnogo cheloveka, ed. Emily Van Buskirk and Andrei Zorin; Emily Van Buskirk and Andrei Zorin, eds., Lydia Ginzburg’s Alternative Literary Identities: A Collection of Articles and New Translations (Evgenii Bershtein) 438

Simon Morrison, Lina and Serge: The Love and Wars of Lina Prokofiev (Neil Minturn) 440

Stephen M. Norris, Blockbuster History in the New Russia: Movies, Memory, and Patriotism (Anna Lawton) 442

Carol Apollonio and Angela Brintlinger, eds., Chekhov for the 21st Century (Andrew R. Durkin) 443

Brian Donahoe and Joachim Otto Habeck, eds., Reconstructing the House of Culture: Community, Self, and the Makings of Culture in Russia and Beyond (Melissa L. Caldwell) 445

Denis Kozlov, The Readers of Novyi Mir: Coming to Terms with the Stalinist Past (Donald J. Raleigh) 446


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