Friday, October 03, 2014

GEOAIR: Visual Storytelling: Tbilisi Migrant Stories (

( This project is implemented within “Cooking Imaginations: Tbilisi Migrant Stories” project, which addresses the issue of migrants’ lives and integration challenges in Tbilisi. These are people who have come here within the past decade and decided to live in Tbilisi permanently or temporarily. However, cultural exchange and communication within “hosts” and “newcomers” about each others’ culture is very limited, hence, some stereotypes might prevail.
Within “Visual Storytelling: Tbilisi Migrant Stories” we are collaborating with Social Photography Caucasus Foundation, school #43 in Tbilisi - history teacher Nino Abuladze and 6 students from various grades. Schoolchildren participate in workshops, learning basics of doing ethnographic fieldwork and techniques of doing visual documentaries, with the end purpose to use art of photography and power of the image for storytelling. By visual storytelling we mean to produce images as to describe person's everyday realities that many times can not be expressed with words and may easily go unnoticed. Participating schoolchildren will create visual stories about the migrants living in their neighborhoods of Tbilisi and these stories will be presented first time parallel to the public cooking event in October.

For more information about the project and related activities, please, visit our FB page:

“Cooking Imaginations: Tbilisi Migrant Stories” project is implemented with the financial support of the Prince Claus Fund.

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