Friday, August 04, 2017

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: “My Image of Georgia” workshop (

( In the frame of Georgia being the Guest of Honour country at the 2018 Frankfurter Buchmesse the association kulturkind eV Berlin is organizing an interdisciplinary workshop named ‘My Image of Georgia’ in 2017, 12-14 September. The workshop will take place in Tbilisi, organized in cooperation with the Georgian National Book Center. Georgian illustrators, book artists and children´s book authors are invited to send a call for application. Deadline: August 21, 2017.

Download here: Call for application

The workshop will help to produce a stronger body of work for the presentation of Georgian illustration art at 2018 Frankfurter Buchmesse. Goal is to develop answers to the question: Which image are Georgia and its culture reflecting and how does this image influence its people? We will find various, maybe unexpected answers of what the culture of Georgia characterizes and what it stands for. We work with different creative methods for idea generation and include elements of design thinking. By iterating our results through the whole workshop process, we validate our ideas along the way to find the best solution in the end.

Illustrators are invited to submit their applications for participating in the workshop. Players from the field of book art and children´s literature in general are welcome to participate in the workshop and submit their application as well. The programme is open to applicants who live and work in Georgia and have an affinity to the Georgian culture. Prerequisite for participation are soft skills like empathy, enthusiasm and openness towards experimental strategies for solutions. The number of participants is limited.

The participation is free of charge. Teaching materials and food are included. Participants are responsible for their own travel and lodging.

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