Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Georgia Organizations Tbilisi
Animal Rights Committee
Association of Journalists
Association of Scouts of the Republic of Georgia
Association of Young Economists of Georgia
Association of Young Georgian Economists and Business Leaders
Biological Farming Association "Elkana"
Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development
Center for Development and Cooperation
Center for Training and Consultancy
Civic Development International Center
Curatio International Foundation
"Demetre Tavdadebuli" - Alliance of Invalids and Veterans of War
English Teachers Association of Georgia
Eurasia Foundation (local office)
Georgian Arts and Culture Center
Georgian Center for Transition Economic System and Sustainable Development
Georgian Constitutional Protection League
Georgian Copyright Association (GECA)
Georgian Disabled Women's International Association
Georgian Peace Council
Georgian Young Law Association
Green Earth
Group "EcoPro" of the Society "Caucasian Club"
Handicapped Persons League
Helsinki Citizens' Assembly Committee of Georgia
Horizonti Foundation
Human Rights Information and Documentation Center
Institute of Civic Society
International Association "CAUCASUS: Ethnic Relations, Human Rights, Geopolitics" (IACERHRG)
International Centre for Civic Culture
International Center for Conflict and Negotiation
International Center for Reform and Economic Development
The International Fund "Aidio"
International Society for the Revival of Georgian Business
International Telecommunications and Information Center
Journalists International Press-Club "Forte"
Khomli Film Studio
Media Institute
Multiple Assistance for Georgia
National Section for Human Rights in Georgia
Open Society Institute (local office)
People's Harmonious Development Society
"Posterity" - International Foundation for Children's Health Care
Public Information Centre "Alternative"
Quality of Life
WomenAid Georgia


Energy Efficiency Fund

Public Interest Protection League

NGO News Bulletin published by the Horizonti Foundation.
The Georgian Times : online English-language newspaper with good links to other sources of information about Georgia

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