Die Georgier finden es tough, mit den Demokraten zu verhandeln
Derek Chollet von Democracy Arsenal denkt darüber nach, weshalb die Georgier eine weitaus bessere Beziehung mit den Republikanern in den Vereinigten Staaten als mit den Demokraten haben. Die Wahrheit scheint zu sein, dass die Georgier mit den Republikanern deshalb sprechen, weil… gut, weil sie derzeit in Amerika regieren.
Daraus folgt , dass die Georgier deshalb mit den Demokraten nicht sprechen wollen, da sie ihnen nichts anbieten. Richtig? Gut, vielleicht aber auch nicht…
"When the Georgians look for support in the U.S., they look primarily to Republicans. Now part of this is understandable – after all, right now the Republicans control all three branches of government. But what was striking (and disturbing) is that, according to a wide spectrum of Georgian political leaders, almost all of their country’s champions here in Washington come from the right.
For example, I was told that when Georgian leaders visit Washington and try to set up meetings with members of Congress, they usually have a line of Republicans waiting to see them (McCain, Hagel, Lugar, Allen, Voinovich, Brownback), but have a very hard time getting through the door to see anyone from the other side of the aisle. I know that many left-leaning policy wonks and NGOs (Open Society, NDI, etc) are deeply involved in promoting democratic reforms worldwide, but progressive political leaders seem to be increasingly checked out. Is the Democratic Party in danger of ceasing to be the champion of democrats?"
Thanks; posted by Andy (Registan.net) under U.S. , Georgia , Democracy
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