Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Dr. Levan Z. Urushadze
G.Tsabadze Street 3-32
Tbilisi 0112
Republic of Georgia.
Tel/Fax: (995 32) 348651
Mob.: (8 93) 915237

About 100 scientific-research works (among them 5 monographs), including:
1) Methods of Source Studies in the works of Turkish historians.- "Actual problems of the study of historical sources", Tbilisi, 1988, pp.130-132 (In Russian);
2) About the dominion of Osmans in Batumi.- J. "Chorokhi", Batumi, No: 2, 1989, pp. 66-78 (In Georgian);
3) The questions of Political History of Georgia of XV-XVIII cent. in the Turkish historiography of XX century (Essay of the Doctor thesis), Publishing House "Metsniereba", Tbilisi, 1990, pp. 3-26 (In Russian);
4) Georgian Statesmans in the Osman Empire (XVI-XIX cent.).- Proceedings of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, Series of History, No: 4, 1989, Tbilisi, pp. 66-75 (In Georgian, Summary in Russian);
5) Turkish document of the XVI century about the Turkish expansion in Georgia in 1548-1549.- "Source Studies", Tbilisi, 1991, pp. 96-105 (In Georgian);
6) The problems of the history of Samtskhe-Saatabago in the modern Turkish historiography.- "Problems of Study of the Georgian historical Sources", Tbilisi-Akhaltsikhe, 1989, pp. 19-21 (In Georgian);
7) The problems of the history of Svaneti in the modern Turkish historiography.- J. "Mnatobi", Tbilisi, No: 6, 1991, pp. 122-125 (In Georgian);
8) Komnens of the Trapezunt Impery and the Dinasty of Georgian Bagrations.- J. "Tsiskari", Tbilisi, No: 4, 1991, pp. 144-149 (In Georgian);
9) Bolshevism-Menshevism and the Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918-1921). Edited by Prof. Dr. Ushangi Sidamonidze, Tbilisi, Publishing house "Ganatleba", 1991, 52 pp. (A monograph. In Georgian); 2nd edition - Publishing House "Ena da Kultura", Tbilisi, 2005 (with English summary), 47 pp., ISBN 99940-23-56-X;
10) The problems of the history of Georgia in the 20th century Turkish historiography. Edited by Prof. Dr. Giuli Alasania, Tbilisi, Publishing House "Metsniereba", 1994, 215 pp. (A monograph. In Georgian, Summary in English), ISBN 5-520-01317-9;
11) Georgie. Den Bosch, The Netherlands, 1996, 30 pp. (Co-author. In Dutch);
12) The Role of Russia in the Ethnic Conflicts in the Caucasus.- "CAUCASUS: War and Peace", Haarlem, The Netherlands, 1998 (In English);
13) Condition of the Civil Society in Georgia.- "Bulletin of the Zviad Gamsakhurdia Society in the Netherlands", No: 7, 1998, Den Bosch, pp. 3-6 (In English);
14) Aus der Geschichte der Georgisch-Schweizerischen Verbindungen.- "Mitteilungsblatt der vereinigung der Freunde Georgiens in der Schweiz", No: 1, 1997, Zurich, s. 2-5 (In German. Co-author);
15) Memorial Page of President Zviad K. Gamsakhurdia, 2000, 20 pp. (In English); 16) Human Rights in Post-Communist Georgia.- Proceedings of the First International Congress "The Contemporary World and Human Rights in Georgia". Edited by Dr. Bas van der Plas and Dr. Levan Z. Urushadze. Tbilisi, 2000, pp. 55-61 (In English).
17) About the history of Russian policy in the Caucasus.- "Yearbook of IACERHRG - 2000". Ed. by Dr. Levan Z. Urushadze. Tbilisi, 2001, pp. 64-73 (In English).
18) About "Meskhetian Turks" again.- Monthly scientific and social-political Magazine "Ethnopolitics", Tbilisi, N 3, 2002, pp.17-22 (In Georgian);
19) "Kartuli Idea - The Georgian Idea" (About the History of Georgia and the History of the National-Liberation Movement of the Georgian People). Edited by Prof. Dr. Carl Edwin Lindgren.- The Series: "Kartvelological Library of the Georgian National Section of EUROSCIENCE", No: 2 (2005), 20 pp. (Electronic book, in English), ISBN 99940-0-490-5.
20) Tragedy of Chechenya has not end... .- "Yearbook of IACERHRG - 2001, 2002". Ed. by Dr. Levan Z. Urushadze, Tbilisi, 2003, pp. 36-40 (In English, Co-author: Elberd SAiev).
21) Geopolitics of the Caucasus: Contemporary situation and perspectives.- "Yearbook of IACERHRG - 2001, 2002". Ed. by Dr. Levan Z. Urushadze, Tbilisi, 2003, pp. 86-89 (In English).
22) Following the tracks of the Vikings.- "Yearbook of IACERHRG - 2003". Ed. by Dr. Levan Z. Urushadze, Tbilisi, 2004, pp. 100-101 (In English).
23) The Caucasian politics of Turkey and the modern Globalism.- Monthly scientific Magazine "Ethnopolitics", Tbilisi, No 1, 2004 (In Georgian).
24) Some questions of the history of Georgia od 40s of the 11th century.- "Kartuli Tskarotmtsodneoba" ("Georgian Source-Studies"), X, Publishing House "Artanuji", Tbilisi, 2004, pp. 108-113 (In Georgian, English summary).
25) Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918-1921). Edited by Dr. Paata Bukhrashvili.- The Series: "Kartvelological Library of the Georgian National Section of EUROSCIENCE", No: 1 (2005), 10 pp. (In English), ISBN 99940-0-539-1.
26) Europe and the Georgian Political Emigration, edited by Prof. Dr. Giuli Alasania, Publishing House "Ena da Kultura", Tbilisi, 2005, 95 pp. (A monograph, in Georgian, English summary), ISBN 99940-23-20-8;
27) The notion of a Nation and some questions of the Self-determination of the Nations (Peoples), edited by Prof. Dr. Giuli Alasania, Publishing House "Ena da Kultura", Tbilisi, 2005, 40 pp. (A monograph, in Georgian, English summary), ISBN 99940-23-50-0.
28) Prince Alexandre Bagrationi - The Leader of Liberation Movement of the Georgian People.- "Perspective - XXI", vol. VI (Volume in Honour of Prof. Mzia Andronikashvili), Publishing House "Ena da Kultura", Tbilisi, 2005, pp. 278-282 (in Georgian, English summary).
29) Grigol Robakidze as the Politician.- Periodical Scientific Journal "Prometheus", vol. 5 (17), Tbilisi, 2005, pp. 172-175 (in Georgian, English summary).
30) The activity of the Istanbul Feri-Kvey closter of the Georgian Catholics in the Cultural-enlighten path.- Scientific Journal "Religion", vol. 7-8-9, Tbilisi, 2005, pp. 92-96 (in Georgian, English summary).
31) Some Questions of the History of the Russian-Georgian Relations of the XVIII-XIX Centuries and I Quarter of the XX Century in the Georgian Emigrant Literature.- "Historical Verticals", vol. 7, Tbilisi, 2005, pp. 9-23 (in Georgian, English summary).
32) About the fighting of the Georgian People for the Restoration of State Independence of Georgia in 1900-1917.- "Historical Verticals", vol. 7, Tbilisi, 2005, pp. 44-59 (in Georgian, English summary).
33) The Bagrationi Royal Dynasty of Georgia.- "EIDENAI": Journal of the International Academy for the Promotion of Historical Studies (IAPHS), Vol. 4, Number 2, 2005, 15 pp.
34) Some Questions of the History of Georgia and the Caucasus in the Georgian Emigrant Literature (a monograph), edited by Prof. Dr. Giuli Alasania, Publishing House "Ena da Kultura", Tbilisi, 2005, 115 pp. (In Georgian, English summary), ISBN 99940-23-92-6.

Dr. Urushadze is author of more than 300 journalistic papers also.

L I N K S:
The Georgian National Section of EUROSCIENCE
The International Academy for Intercultural Research (IAIR)
The World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS)
The Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
The International Academy for the Promotion of Historical Studies (IAPHS)
The Association for Protection of the Rights of the Refugees from Abkhazia (APRRA)
The Regency of Lomar Foundation (ROL)H-World Network
The Australian-Asian Institute of Civil Leadership (AAICL)
The "History under Debate" Network (HuD)
Georgian Cultural Heritage Information Centre

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