Thursday, February 23, 2006

routes /// or ... report from the land of dreams 2006/2007 an international, interdisciplinairy and intercultural artproject

Connected to the research part of this project, we would be very interested in some "in advance" contacts to people living and working in the areas of Ukraine, South Russia, the Caucasian countries and Iran --- we are looking for artists, but in a very wide understanding of the meaning, maybe culture producers or as it is described in the concept of the project ...

<<...attention will constantly be paid to what is special¹, to openness¹, to what is unfinished¹ or conducive to being combined¹ or linked¹, to what is tender¹ or fragile¹ and to respect¹.>>

These could also be persons working besides the so called "art system".

more information and an extended version of the projects concept and
the curator you may find here and beneath this text:

We are thankful for any kind of contributions, ideas or thoughts,

@Harm Lux and @Anke Nowottne

post adress:
Lubbener Str. 1
D - 10997 Berlin

tel.: +49-30 618 793 5
fax: +49-30 695 650 61

Link: (pdf)

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