Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Began drawing at the age of 2. By the age of 9 he was already an author of several thousands of battle-paintings and soldiers, as well as graphic works. At this age his favourite artists were: Bosch and Bragel. Sandro studied anatomy on his own. All the works of his childhood were notable for professionalism uncommon for his age and for non-standard fantasy of movement. Since the age of 7 hi has been participating in various exhibitions held in Tbilisi, Saint Petersburg, Moscow. At the age of 10 Sandro was awarded the Golden Medal of the exhibition of Achierements of Public Economy(Moscow). 1998 Entered Tbilisi, State Academy of Arts, Faculty of Easel Paintign.
Was born in the family of artists. Her mother is a painter, father is a sculptor. At the age of 2 Nino began painting, mostly, with the illustrations of tales. Since the age of 4 she has been participating in exhibitions.She is awarded 15 Diplomas in Talin, Riga, Vilnius, Sankt-Peterburg, Moscow. Nino studied at the school of Arts. She was a member of Tbilisi Young Pioner Palace, Department of Decorative and Applied Arts. She is awarded with the Golden Medal(Moscow). Her fitst personal exhibition was held in Tbilisi. She has graduated from the Academy of Arts.
WEBSITE: www.painting.ge

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