Kodori George - 28. Juy 2006
Neues Säbelrasseln im Kaukasus
Der Streit zwischen Russland und Georgien um die Kaukasusregionen Abchasien und Südossetien droht zu eskalieren. (OÖ Nachrichten)
Der Streit zwischen Russland und Georgien um die Kaukasusregionen Abchasien und Südossetien droht zu eskalieren. (OÖ Nachrichten)
Donnerstag, 27.07.2006
Kämpfe im Kaukasus: Georgien nimmt Kodori-TalMoskau. Truppen des georgischen Innenministeriums haben den Aufstandsversuch im Kodori-Tal an der Grenze zu Abchasien niedergeschlagen. Bei den Kämpfen soll es Tote und Verwundete gegeben haben. (Russland-Aktuell)
Russia liable for fate of prisoner
By C.J. Chivers (The New York Times)
The European Court of Human Rights found Russia responsible for the disappearance and presumed death of a prisoner detained in Chechnya, after the man's mother brought the case to court.
Russia liable for fate of prisoner
By C.J. Chivers (The New York Times)
The European Court of Human Rights found Russia responsible for the disappearance and presumed death of a prisoner detained in Chechnya, after the man's mother brought the case to court.
In Georgia, fear hostilities could spread
By C.J. Chivers (The New York Times)
Georgian special forces pressed their attacks through the mountainous Kodori Gorge against a rebellious militia whose leader had said he would no longer recognize the central government.
Georgia moves against local ruler and militia
By C.J. Chivers (The New York Times)
Georgia deployed special forces near a remote gorge beside the breakaway region of Abkhazia to arrest a local ruler who had declared autonomy from federal rule and to disperse a militia under his command.
“Georgia to replace Russian peacekeepers” - Latest Headlines:
Abkhaz National Security Council Head regards the situation optimistically
Abkhazia: “What Saakashvili calls a ‘heart’ we use other word for”
Will the US build a radar station to monitor Iran-fired missiles?
Abkhazian Foreign Ministry: Georgia provokes serious conflict
Abkhazian MPs to demand end of negotiations with Georgia
All Headlines on the Subject “Georgia to replace Russian peacekeepers” (96)
“Georgian-Abkhaz conflict” - Latest Headlines:
Abkhaz National Security Council Head regards the situation optimistically
Abkhazia: “What Saakashvili calls a ‘heart’ we use other word for”
Will the US build a radar station to monitor Iran-fired missiles?
Abkhazian Foreign Ministry: Georgia provokes serious conflict
Abkhazian MPs to demand end of negotiations with Georgia
All Headlines on the Subject “Georgian-Abkhaz conflict” (197)
“Georgian-Ossetian conflict” - Latest Headlines:
Abkhaz National Security Council Head regards the situation optimistically
Abkhazia: “What Saakashvili calls a ‘heart’ we use other word for”
Will the US build a radar station to monitor Iran-fired missiles?
Abkhazian Foreign Ministry: Georgia provokes serious conflict
Abkhazian MPs to demand end of negotiations with Georgia
All Headlines on the Subject “Georgian-Ossetian conflict” (322)
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