Wednesday, July 12, 2006

FILMMAKER: Sergei of Tbilisi: The Life of one of Armenia's greatest film makers

by David Somerset
"Sergei Paradjanov (1924 - 1990) was a visionary film maker, revered by Soviet contemporaries such as Andrei Tarkovsky, Kiri Muratova and Leonid Alekseychuk. His resolute integrity combined with a delight in the creative possibilities of cinematic art. Born to Armenian parents he lived in Tbilisi, in Georgia but worked throughout the Caucasus, despite sustained intimidation and imprisonment from Soviet bureaucrats. This region, strategically and precariously situated at a cross-roads between Asia, Europe and the Middle East is renowned for its resilience in the face of invasion and violent misrule. Armenia is described as a 'theatre of perpetual war' by 18th century historian, Edward Gibbon. Georgia, the birthplace of Stalin has for much of its history has been little more than a collection of warring petty princedoms. "

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