Sunday, August 06, 2006

A Regional Agenda
A Cato ConferenceTbilisi, Georgia – October 25-27, 2006Conference Description:Fifteen years after the collapse of the Soviet Union and its empire, the nations of Eurasia are still struggling to build stable, secure, and prosperous social orders. The nations of the Confederation of Independent States and its periphery (the CIS+) have generated a variety of responses to the collapse of Soviet power, with a corresponding variety of outcomes. It is time to draw lessons for reformers and to share them with the people of the CIS+ who are working for civil society, limited government, and peace.
The Cato Institute, in close cooperation with the New Economic School of Georgia, is organizing a major international conference in October 2006 in Tbilisi, Georgia. The conference–Freedom, Commerce, and Peace: A Regional Agenda–will assemble, inform, and motivate a broad network of scholars, analysts, and policymakers who can further the mission of building free, stable, and prosperous legal, political, social, and economic orders.
The conference is tentatively scheduled to begin the evening of Wednesday, October 25 and conclude the evening of Friday, October 27 at the Sheraton Metechi Palace Hotel in Tbilisi. The Sheraton has excellent conference facilities and is accustomed to working with professional conferences. Conference papers will be presented and proceedings will be conducted in English, Georgian, and Russian. Some of them will be published later in three languages. Sessions will be webcast live on and archived for later viewing.

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