Dear member,
We have the pleasure to inform you of the opening of our new Local Democracy Agency in Georgia this Friday, 8th September 2006. Please read the press release in English, French and Italian below for further details.
Best regards,
Dorothee Fischer
Press Officer
Local Democracy Agency Georgia to be opened
The Association of the Local Democracy Agency (ALDA) will open its 12th Local Democracy Agency (LDA) in Kutaisi, Georgia on 8 September 2006. It is the first LDA outside South East Europe where ALDA has been working for more than 13 years now.
The inauguration event will be held in the Electricity Company Building in Kutaisi in the presence of an international audience including journalists, local officials, representatives of the Council of Europe and other international organisations as well as all the partners of the LDA.
The celebrations will be preceded by a meeting of all the partners of the new Agency on 7 September, among them the cities of Strasbourg, Nantes (France), Newport (UK), Monfalcone (Italy), the cities of Kutaisi, Tbilisi (Georgia), the NGOs ‘Centre for Social Ethics’ (Lithuania), the Georgian Association of Local Authorities NALAG, ‘Partners Georgia’ and ‘Kutaisi-Newport-Association’. They will discuss the work priorities of the new Agency and appoint a Delegate (Head) of the Agency as well as the lead partner.
The first projects of the new Agency will concentrate on human rights education, youth projects and capacity building for local authorities.
A brief press conference will be held after the inauguration conference. Journalists wishing to receive further information can contact: Mr Martial Paris, Assistant to the Director, ALDA,,
Ouverture de l’Agence de la Démocratie Locale de Géorgie
L’Association des Agences de la Démocratie Locale (AADL) va ouvrir sa 12ème Agence de la Démocratie Locale (ADL) à Kutaisi en Géorgie le 8 septembre 2006. Il s’agit de la première ADL qui travaillera en-dehors de l’Europe du Sud-Est, une région où l’AADL est active depuis plus de 13 ans maintenant.
L’inauguration aura lieu dans l’immeuble de la compagnie électrique de Kutaisi en présence de nombreux représentants internationaux ainsi que des journalistes, des représentants de la société civile et les autres partenaires locaux de l’ADL.
La cérémonie sera précédée d’une réunion des partenaires de l’ADL, le 7 septembre, les villes partenaires sont: Strasbourg, Nantes (France), Newport (GB), Monfalcone (Italie), Kutaisi et Tbilissi (Géorgie), les ONG ‘Centre d’Ethique Social’ (Lituanie), l’Association des Villes de Géorgie NALAG, ‘Partners Georgia’ et l’Association ‘Kutaisi-Newport’. Ils discuteront des priorités d’action de la nouvelle Agence et sélectionneront un Délégué (Directeur) de l’ADL ainsi qu’un partenaire leader.
Les premiers projets de la nouvelle Agence auront pour thème les Droits de l’Homme, la jeunesse et la formation des représentants des collectivités locales et de la société civile.
Une conférence de presse aura lieu après l’inauguration. Les journalistes qui souhaitent recevoir plus d’information peuvent contacter M. Martial Paris, Adjoint de la Directrice:,
Imminente apertura della Agenzia della Democrazia Locale della Georgia
L’Associazione delle Agenzie della Democrazia Locale (ALDA) aprirà la sua 12sima Agenzia della Democrazia Locale (ADL) a Kutaisi, in Georgia, l’8 settembre 2006. Si tratta della prima ADL al di fuori del contesto del Sud-Est Europa dove ALDA è tradizionalmente impegnata da più di 13 anni ormai.
L’inaugurazione si terrà presso il Palazzo della Società elettrica a Kutaisi alla presenza di un pubblico internazionale che include giornalisti, funzionari locali, rappresentanti del Consiglio d’Europa e di altre organizzazioni internazionali, oltre che di tutti i partner della ADL. La cerimonia d’inaugurazione sarà preceduta, il 7 settembre, da una riunione di tutti i partner della nuova agenzia, fra essi compaiono le città di Strasburgo e Nantes (Francia), Newport (Regno Unito), Monfalcone (Italia), le città di Kutaisi e Tbilisi (Georgia), le ong ‘Centro per l’etica sociale” (Lituania), l’Associazione georgiana delle Autorità Locali NALAG, ‘Partners Georgia’ and ‘Kutaisi-Newport-Association’. I partner discuteranno delle funzioni prioritarie della nuova Agenzia, eleggeranno il nuovo delegato dell’Agenzia nonché il partner leader dell’Agenzia stessa. I primi progetti della nuova Agenzia saranno incentrati sull’educazione ai diritti umani, sui giovani e “capacity building” per le autorità locali.
Dopo l’inaugurazione sarà tenuta una breve conferenza stampa. I giornalisti che desiderano ottenere maggiori informazioni possono contattare: Mr Martial Paris, Assistente della direttrice di ALDA,
Dorothee Fischer
Press Officer and Project Manager
Association of Local Democracy Agencies
Council of EuropeAvenue de l'Europe
Office 1024
67075 Strasbourg
Tel: 00 33 3 90 21 45 93
Mobile: 00 33 6 33 55 47 10
Fax: 00 33 3 88 41 27 51
Local Democracy Agency Georgia
7th of September 2006
LDA Office
Agenda Selection of the Delegate and Partners Meeting
Selection of the Delegate by the International Partners
Presentation of the future activities of the LDA Georgia
Definition of the common priorities of the partners
Moderator: Mrs Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA
09.00 Presentation and interviews of the candidates CV of the candidates and schedule of evaluation
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break
13:00 Appointment of the Delegate of the Agency and lead partner
13:15 Lunch
14:30 Approval of the memorandum of understanding by the partner
15:30-15:45 Coffee Break
15:30 Organisation of the office and role of the delegate and lead partner
16:15 Presentation of LDA Programme for 2006 by Antonella Valmorbida Definition of potential common projects: discussion local and international partners
17.30 End of the meeting
Local Democracy Agency Georgia
8th of September 2006
Agenda of the Opening Ceremony
Premises to be confirmed
Chairperson, Mr Per Vinther, Vice President ALDA
13:00Registration of participants
13:15 Welcome address by Mr Per Vinther, ALDA Vice President
13:30 Welcome address by the Mayor of Kutaisi, Mr. Chogovadze and Chairman of the City ouncil, Mr Katamadze.
13:50 Statement by the Representative of the Association of Local Democracy Agencies
14:10 Statement by the Representative of the Congress of the Council of Europe
14:25 Statement by Mr Igor Gaon, Special Representative of the SG to Georgia, Council of Europe.
14:40 “European Union and Georgia” – Mr. Torben Holtze, Head of the European Commission Delegation to Georgia (tbc)
15:00 Statement by Representative of Nantes
15:10 Statement by Representative of Strasburg
15:20 Statement by Representative of Newport
15:30 Statement by Representative of Bristol
15:40 Statement from Representative of Tbilisi
15:50 Statement by Representative of Kutaisi-Newport International Association
16:00 Coffee break
16:15 “The role of the partners in the LDA Programme” – Mrs Antonella Valmorbida, Director of the ALDA “Proposed programmes for the LDA Georgia in 2006” – Mrs Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA.
16:45 Presentation of the newly appointed Delegate
17:00 Signature of the Memorandum of Understanding
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