Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Freie Plätze für EVS im Kaukasus zu vergeben!

Im Rahmen des Europäischen Freiwilligendienstes ist jeweils eine Stelle für eine Freiwillige /einen Freiwilligen aus Deutschland in Tbilisi, Georgien (Kaukasus) sowie für eine Freiwillige/einen Freiwilligen aus Österreich in Baku, Azerbaijan (Kaukasus) kurzfristig zu vergeben.

Dauer der Dienste: 10.11.2006 bis 09.09.2007. (Dauer 10 Monate)
Unterkunft und Verpflegung werden gestellt, die Reisekosten übernommen sowie ein Taschengeld gezahlt. Das Höchstalter für die Teilnahme beträgt 25 Jahre.

Aufnahmeorganisation in Baku: Association of Young Azerbaijani Friends of Europe
The main theme of the project is the "social exclusion of children and youth" in Azerbaijan. The main task of the volunteers will be to organise various social and cultural activities for the children and young people with orphans background. Although the volunteers will have some freedom in deciding the final programme to be set up, the programme will include English classes, music classes, art lessons, sport activities and some other social activities together with AYAFE volunteers. As well as class work, volunteers will take children on supervised excursions to the park or other places of interest in Sheki and Guba. Some administrative tasks such as writing daily reports will also be undertaken by volunteers. During the summer, the
volunteers will organize and coordinate an international work camp in the cooperation with AYAFE. The theme of the work camp will be "social exclusion of orphans" and participants of the work camp will come from all over Europe and the world. Moreover, volunteers may
initiate new projects addressed to the problems of orphan children and youths. AYAFE will help volunteers to find appropriate funding sources in order to get financial support for these projects.

Foto von Hans Heiner Buhr (www.kaukasus-reisen.de)

Aufnahmeorganisation in Tbilisi: Association Peace and Education (APE)
The main task of the volunteer will be to assist the local youth worker by being deeply involvement in the daily conduction of the workshops offered to the local youth. These offers will motivate young people to learn and develop their individual abilities e.g. in foreign languages (English, Spanish, German), computer basics, art (music, theatre, dance, painting and applied art) and small business development. Therefore the volunteers can in co-operation with the
local youth workers develop own programme ideas, which they will implement with the help of the staff of the Association Peace and Education (APE). Beside this work with in field of informal
education, the volunteers will work be involved into project development, fundraising and project evaluation.

Interessenten melden sich bitte umgehend mit einem CV mit Bild sowie einem kurzen Motivationsschreiben bei:
Culture goes Europe (CGE) - Soziokulturelle Initiative Erfurt e.V.
Markus Rebitschek
Semmelweisstraße 26
99096 Erfurt (Germany)
phone +49 - 361 2117620
fax +49 - 361 666 13 13
(new!) mobile +49 - 173 5668642
skype CGE - Erfurt e.V. MarkusRebitschek

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