Often I'm looking for the most time in the internet for Georgia in Blogs. And today it was clear for me that I forget to visit some webpages to Georgia. My network-friend Eistein Guldseth from Norway filled out his website "W r i t e r ' n. Discovering Georgian Culture" with some interesting articles and impressions! Now I recommend you to to visit his articles for example to Stalin and I, Dinner in Khoni, Party in the forrest, The Widows, The Warrior, The Instructor, Staying or leaving, The Game, Young Love, Beggars, The Food&Customs, The Traffic, The Dead Cities and more articles and interviews about the Cultural life in Georgia like Amiran Dolidze and like about Art Gen Festival-06 ...
Enjoy it!
Webpage: http://www.writern.no/index.htm
Hey! Thanx, Rapho!