Thursday, January 25, 2007

Presentation of Signagi rehabilitation project... video clip
1 hr ago Rustavi 2
'Signagi becomes one of the important cultural-educational-historical center on a Caucasus scale. We begin a big project today .i.e rehabilitation of historical center. First of all it considers creatin of better infra-structure for the ...

25.01.07 16:20
Mikheil Saakashvili has paid a visit in Signagi region. He has presented a new national project to local population. According to president, this project will transform Signagi as a cultrual-educational-historical center.
'Signagi becomes one of the important cultural-educational-historical center on a Caucasus scale. We begin a big project today .i.e rehabilitation of historical center. First of all it considers creatin of better infra-structure for the residents of Signagi. We will do all of necesarry atributes for the modern city' - president of Georgia admitted in a speech.

Sighnaghi by late summer. Caucasus Mountains in the background.

Uploaded on May 4, 2006 by karemizu

Sighnaghi, Georgia 2003 (Set)

Uploaded on August 26, 2005 by jabsonwheels

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