Friday, March 30, 2007

Georgia News Digest 03-30-07
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1. US diplomat unable to say anything on plans for ABM bases in Caucasus
2. In Serious Trouble [excerpt]
3. Putin Club Pickets Georgia's Embassy
4. Protesters arrested in Russia
5. Georgia to join Global Initiative to Combat Nuke Terrorism soon-FM
6. Russia's falsified friend
7. US envoy: we welcome Georgia's progress in reforming
8. US diplomat meets opposition leaders
9. Georgia Ranked 93th in the Rating of World Economic Forum's Global Information Technology Report 2006-2007
10. Conference on European Integration and Georgia’s National Institutions
11. Kosovo precedent for Transdniestria confirmed, but US says no
12. Of precedence and precedents: The Caucasus look to Kosovo
13. NATO Secretary General’s Statement -Clear Sign or Ray of Hope
14. The Troop Increase: NATO Ambitions or Contributing to a Catastrophic Failure?
15. Experts tell Russian paper what they think of Georgia and Ukraine in NATO
16. Monastery Divides Georgia And Azerbaijan: Suggestions that cave monastery could be shared provoke opposition
17. Georgian Parliament Ratifies South Caucasus Railway Deal
18. Orient Express Redux:: Tbilisi-Western Europe Rail Link Inches towards Reality
19. At the UN, Who Is a Journalist, Who Decides and Who Are Put to Pincas Test [excerpt]
20. Georgia says Strela launchers smuggled to Russia from Abkhazia
21. Abkhaz Secessionists Continue Collecting Facts of Genocide Committed by Georgian Side
22. Abkhaz official warns diplomats against visiting Kodori
23. Abkhaz history lessons
24. Another Tskhinvali Provocation
25. Vladimir Sanakoev Visited TV Company "Trialeti"
26. President and Opposition Hold Consultations on Temporary Administrative Unit
27. Tbilisi Ups The Ante Over South Ossetia
28. Dmitri Sanakayev: First administrative unit should be created
29. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Meets S. Ossetian Negotiator
30. Russia Warns Against Tbilisi's 'S. Ossetia Administration' Plan
31. Money, the Milk of Modern Politics: the Political Party Funding Conference
32. Who Will Go Where? Governmental carousel to take ministers for a ride in April
33. Speaker, Prosecutor General hold meeting
34. What was the result of the amendments introduced to the law after Girgvliani’s murder?
35. Court Interrogated Witness for Kvitsiani’s Case for the Second Time
36. What was the result of the amendments introduced to the law after Girgvliani’s murder?
37. Former MP Blamed Journalists for Partiality
38. General Prosecutor Meets Senior Lawmakers
39. German politicians visit Natelashvili
40. Adjara Region Report
41. video: Interview with David Amaglobeli, Vice President, National Bank of Georgia
42. State Duty or Simple Indifference
43. Whose Is Water?
44. Citizens Are Forced to Register Their Properties
45. 'Saknavtobi' Employee Murdered on Tashkenti Street
46. Although Quality has Improved, for Georgian Winemakers the Sun Still Rises in the North
47. Sentimental at the Beauty Saloon
48. The Acupuncturist of Zugdidi
49. Over Church Protests, Culture Ministry Proposes Davit Gareji Development
50. Resistant Tuberculosis’s Treatment in Zugdidi Hospital
51. School Stabbing Keeps Spotlight on Underage Crime and Punishment
52. We Are Watching Them Watching Us (CCTV comes to Tbilisi)
53. National Bank Invites International Experts to School Journalists
54. Batumi Clubs Face Dreaded Financial Police Scrutiny
55. Baku-Supsa to come on stream again in April
56. Calculation confusion? Foreign investments in Georgia
57. Only SOCAR to deliver Azeri petrol
58. Opposition MP Bezhan Gunava fined
59. "Bacho Akhalaia must be imprisoned!"
60. analysis: Overview of the Georgian Construction Sector
61. Construction procedures to be simplified

full digest: Georgia News Digest - Ansicht in Groups BetaNeu!

Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814

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