Thursday, July 12, 2007


Lyndon Allin descovered a blog about Abkhasia & Sukhumi

The article there are here: Russia, Georgia: Visas, Wine and the WTO
Sunday, June 3rd, 2007 @ 16:05 UTC by Lyndon Allin

Cyxymu is the most widely read and commented on blog about Abkhazia that I’ve seen. It’s written, I believe, by a refugee (or, rather, internally displaced person) from the conflict. The blog’s full title is “Memories of Sukhumi, the war, and pain,” which gives you some idea of its focus, although recently the author has written a bit about the conflict in South Ossetia as well. It often has photos of Sukhumi and other places in Abkhazia, along with reminiscences from the blog’s author or others in the comments section, and it has a consistent community of readers/commenters who guarantee a lively dialogue and often add their own very interesting information about goings-on in Abkhazia.


Artur Papyran - also a writer from Global Voice - about Nagorno Karabakh

Nagorno Karabakh conflict: “Liberated Territories” in Focus Artur Papyan · 15:31

The Armenian blogosphere is full of speculations about the seven regions in Azerbaijan currently under the control of Armenian and Karabakh forces, which are referred to as the “Liberated Territories” by those with a more nationalistic perspective. Now that the parliamentary elections are behind us the international community is once ... 3 comments · »»

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