Friday, July 13, 2007


Georgia News Digest 07-13-07
A service of the
Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
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1. Developments in Georgia Linked with Kosovo – U.S. Intelligence
2. Another train with Russian military hardware leaves Batumi base
3. Another Echelon Laden With Military Hardware Leaves Batumi
4. Estonian tips for Georgia and Moldova on handling Moscow
5. Shevardnadze: Too Early to Talk About Ivanov Presidential Bid
6. Remarks by H.E. Nino Burjanadze, Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia, at the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
7. At the UN, Nuclear and Terror Committees Struggle Toward Their Sunsets [excerpt]
8. Delegation of Georgian Ministry of Justice Visits Bulgaria
9. Region Sees Opportunity In Sochi
10. Sochi Olympics in 2014 to good influence on Abkhazia's economy
11. Abkhazia not an Obstacle to Sochi Olympics – Russian Official
12. Sokhumi Plans TV for Gali
13. Separatists fire on civilians, several people injured in Georgia's Abkhazia
14. Georgians, Russians agree to cooperate in Abkhazia conflict zone
15. It is now a matter of who strikes first. Clan struggle in Abkhazia [excerpts]
16. Law Enforcement Reaction Telling in Abkhaz Power Struggle
17. Press summary for Georgia's breakaway region of Abkhazia 10-16 July 2007
18. Bagapsh Vows to Help Abkhazians in Repatriation from Turkey
19. Abkhazian church built in 4th century by Emperor Justinian under the threat of destruction
20. Georgians Detain Russian Peacekeepers for Blocking Road
21. Georgian Police Detain Russian Reporters in S. Ossetia
22. Russian news crew detained by Georgian officers in conflict zone
23. Russian reporter provides details on detention in S Ossetia
24. Maia Tsaboshvili: Kokoiti Will Endeavor To Escalate The Situation In Conflict Zone
25. Georgia Ready to Work with Russia over South Ossetia
26. De facto Authorities of South Ossetia Blame Georgian Side for Lack of Water in Tskhinvali
27. Public Opinion: Tskhinvali Conflict Resolution Coming Soon?
28. Georgia Adopts Law on Return of Turks-Meshetins to Georgia
29. Labor Party Representatives Talk About Eliminating Marshrutkas
30. On Wednesday Parliament Passed Draft Law on Tobacco in First Reading
31. Paata Zakareishvili Denies Information About His Banishment From Zugdidi
32. MP Gocha Jojua Calls on Parliament to Address Irakli Batiashvili's Fortune
33. Georgian Defence Ministry to launch TV broadcasts
34. Central Bank Chief May Resign – Opposition Alleges
35. Conference of Republic Party disrupted
36. Sarishvili lost case against Targamadze
37. Commission reports on ex-official's case
38. School Principal Elections Mark Break with the Past
39. New Rights MP Nachkebia Protests Merger of Sport Academy with University
40. Representatives Of Sports Academy Hold Protest Marching
41. Medical Academy Joins Tbilisi State Medical University
42. NGO objects to closing patriarchy schools
43. Policemen arrested for taking bribe
44. Ombudsman vs. Constitutional Security Department
45. Living with leukemia
46. Which Is the Most Used Border Crossing?
47. Blast injured several people in Zugdidi
48. Lado Chipashvili Holds Meetings With Heads Of Clinics Included In Privatization List And Potential Investors
49. Kareli District Populace Holds Protest Rally, Demanding Irrigation Water
50. Swimming Must Be Banned In Black Sea, "Greens Party" Says
51. Tbilisi Central Market Not Subject to Sale--Director of Market
52. Desperate Mother Tries to Bury Newborn in Cemetery
53. Another Prisoner Commits Suicide
54. Working against the clock: a case study: Journalists work long hours for small salaries in Georgia
55. Building paradise: Construction in Georgia is booming. Can the country's system of laws and regulation catch up?
56. Build, boom, bust?
57. Georgian Real Estate Bubble Close to Bursting, Warns Analysts
58. 'It's not so bad in Kansas, after all': Exchange student from Georgia recounts his time in Ark City

full digest: Georgia News Digest - Ansicht in Groups BetaNeu!

Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814

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