Friday, August 03, 2007


Georgia News Digest 08-03-07
A service of the
Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
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1. No Flights to Georgia
2. No Agreement on Tbilisi-Moscow Charter Flights
3. Georgian Wine Producers Union ready to meet Russian control service.
4. Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics could bring conflict, but also change
5. South Ossetia In Return For Hydroelectric Power Plant?
6. US Senate calls on Moscow for withdrawal of military servicemen from Georgia
7. What Putin’s Decision Means for Georgia
8. Owner of 'Kavkaz'-Poti' ferry is going to sell 49% of its stocks to Armenian companies
9. Kazakhstan’s Coaches Reassert their Support for Georgia’s Territorial Integrity Following Geographic Blunder
10. Armenian Church calls region Christians to be against Baku-Tbilisi-Gars railway project
11. Azerbaijani company repairing Georgia's North-South gas pipeline
12. NATO Information Centre Opens in Kodori: High profile outpost sends a clear message about Georgia’s intentions
13. NATO Comes to Abkhazia
14. Abkhazia concerned by unveiling of NATO info centre in gorge
15. Georgia angered by UN Abkhaz report: A report critical of "provocative" Georgian camp upsets Tbilisi
16. Subjectively Chewing Kodori Fat
17. Georgian "patriots" camp sparks controversy: Inside Georgia's youth camp on the de facto border with Abkhazia.
18. Abkhaz Maneuvers Planned
19. Tbilisi can't stop foreign investment in Abkhazia, say separatist officials
20. Abkhaz smugglers detained in Russia
21. Family robbed in Gali district
22. Tbilisi Trying Out Charm Offensive
23. Georgian Peacekeepers Maneuver in S. Ossetia Conflict Zone
24. Russian negotiator to help arrange JCC session in Tbilisi
25. Tbilisi-backed administration ready to improve water supplies to South Ossetia
26. Georgian foreign debt stands at USD 1.7 billion
27. Finance Minister is satisfied with state budget
28. GEL 163 mln Budget Surplus Reported
29. US Considers Offering Preferential Treatment for Some Georgian Exports
30. Government and Banks Offer Credit Scheme Designed to Boost Agriculture
31. Georgia has 33 000 tons wheat supply
32. USAID project to study, boost Georgian tourism industry
33. Internet Providers: Georgian Internet Development in Danger
34. Study Finds Gender Imbalance to be Particularly Pronounced in Local Politics
35. Ombudsman Speaks Out on Opposition Politician’s Trial
36. Soso Barateli: Estiamtions of Public Defender will be sent to International Organizations
37. Noisy hearing on teenage crime
38. Law on struggle against narcotic crime comes in force
39. Family of victim to appeal to the European Court
40. Ahiska Turks visit homelands, local residents complain
41. If they don't go by themselves they will be kicked out by Thursday
42. Another protest rally to be held by parliament
43. Irina Sarishvili gives special warning to authorities
44. Tbilisi's 54 libraries will be decreased to six; buildings to be auctioned, staff laid off
45. Investigators to investigate case of school-leaving certificates
46. Tbilisi to have another renewed wedding house next year
47. Kutaisi’s Gelati Monastery Named One of the World’s 100 Most Endangered Monuments
48. Reconstructing Paradise: An Interview with Batumi Mayor Irakli Tavartkiladze

full digest: Georgia News Digest - Ansicht in Groups BetaNeu!

Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814

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