Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Georgia News Digest 08-28-07
A service of the
Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies
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1. From Russia with love?
2. As Georgia turns
3. Russia vs Georgia: A war of perceptions
4. Russians consider Georgia, Ukraine mostly unfriendly CIS s
5. Saakashvili's pragmatic divorce
6. Georgian, Russian priests discuss common problems
7. Georgia’s Foreign Minister to visit NATO states amid Russian row
8. Russia confronts NATO and the US
9. President Mikheil Saakashvili held meeting with President of Slovenia in the city of Bled
10. Giorgi Baramidze to make speech at forum in Slovenia
11. Still no clarity over ‘crashed aircraft’
12. Expert group to present findings on Kodori incident soon
13. Separatist official says "cosmic waste" fell in mountains of Abkhazia
14. Georgia invites Russia to co-probe alleged air incident
15. Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister discusses energy security in Georgia
16. Azerbaijani Foreign Minister visits Georgia
17. Georgia intends to attract Azerbaijan with tourism opportunities in Ajaria
18. Azerbaijanis residing in Georgia to organize congress
19. Georgia claims that Russia stops supporting Abkhazia
20. Georgia voices concern over developments in Abkhazia
21. Georgian official meets members of UN group over developments in Abkhazia
22. Abkhaz Muslim community fears over security
23. Russia bans import of Abkhaz agricultural products
24. 3 Georgians kidnapped in conflict zone
25. Employee of ‘Tao Bank’ is kidnapped
26. Tskhinvali releases 3 Georgians
27. Detained Georgians released by South Ossetian police
28. Ossetian law enforcers free abducted
29. Journalists detained in S. Ossetia released
30. Minister pledges "appropriate response" to journalists' detention
31. Russian faces charges for entering Georgia thru wrong checkpoint
32. Eduard Kokoity forbids children to study
33. Separatists address international commonwealth
34. Lawmaker to join Okruashvili planned party
35. Conference holds between OSCE and the Ministry of Interior Affairs in Batumi
36. Joint training "Georgian Express 2007" unveiled solemnly
37. Joint Georgia-UK military medical exercise
38. Top PFO specialists perform first human placement of Sutura's Superstitch EL to close a patent [excerpt]
39. GEL 5 000 fine for counterfeit wine sellers
40. Murder suspect sentenced to 17 years’ imprisonment
41. Route mini-busses maybe banned in Tbilisi
42. Two fires put out in Tbilisi
43. Georgia leaves behind liquefied gas shortage
44. Signaghi to host wine festival in autumn
45. Latvian businessmen to hold international conference in Georgia in autumn

full digest: Georgia News Digest - Ansicht in Groups BetaNeu!

Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),
jonathan.kulick@gfsis.org, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814

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