Tuesday, October 16, 2007

RELIGION: Jewish Community of Tbilisi, Georgia

Tbilisi has a Jewish population of about 10,000 out of a general population of 1.5 million. In 1990, the Rachamim Society was founded. The Rachamim Society provides financial and medical support to needy Jews in Tbilisi, for example by supplying fuel to keep the apartments warm and by providing hot kosher meals. The Society also functions as a Jewish burial society.

In 1991, Ariel Levine was ordained rabbi by the Israeli rabbinate. Rabbi Levine became Chief Rabbi and director of all Tbilisi Jewish institutions in 1993.

In 1998, an Academy for Jewish Studies was established. Other educational institutions are the Jewish Day School, a high school established in 1990, and a Beth Midrash for adults.

Other activities organized by the Jewish community of Tbilisi include the celebration of holidays, concerts and lectures. The Jews of Tbilisi can pray at the Georgian Synagogue or at either of the two Ashkenazy synagogues at Kozeveny Street. Tbilisi also has a mikvah (ritual bath), shechita (kosher butcher), matzoth bakery and a kosher food shop.


The Georgian Synagogue
45-47 Leselidze Street

Ashkenazi Synagogue
65 Kozeveny Lane

The Ashkenazi Synagogue
13 Kozeveny Street

Early History of the Jews of Georgia / The Jews of Georgia in the Twentieth Century / The Jewish Community of Tbilisi / Community Institutions in Tbilisi / The Georgian Synagogue / Links / Bibliography

Source: http://www.bh.org.il/index.html

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