Tuesday, December 25, 2007

DIGITAL-ART: Angels by Tamara McGregor

About Tamara

A conscious aim to devote my life to art has been with me since my childhood. In those early years it seemed to me that it was sufficient to graduate from Art Academy. Now I see that it will take my whole life to realize that aim. Strictly speaking, “aim” is an inexact term. An aim is always a fixed point, while in creative work it is a space within which one has to be constantly on the move.
I began my studies in the Department of Monumental painting, in the studio of a well-known sculptor. But I chanced to watch a street performance of a puppet theatre in the street which brought about a complete change in my artistic destiny. Before my eyes a sheet of cotton fabric cut a part of the sidewalk, and above the edge there appeared some puppets and part of a busy city street. Together with some spectators who chanced to be there, a part of space was transposed into s sphere which existed under a quite different set of laws. That short street performance confirmed my wish to go in for scenography.

Theoreticians in Science prove that a plurality of worlds exists in every point of visible space, worlds that are parallel and interpenetrating. I am convinced that the reality of plurality of worlds is becoming evident. Within the limited space of the theatre stage where the force of dramaturgical action is capable of arbitrarily altering both the form and dimensions of space; to divide it into discrete parts, altering time, its direction, of stretching it compressing it and even stopping time. It is just these possibilities of the stage that I attempted to realize in my theatrical works.
I also wrote a film script. My life’s experience was not rich, but it was my own. That’s what my script was about. I submitted it to the Hartley Merrill Prize competition arranged by the Foundation of American Film Artists. I was awarded the “Debut” prize.

The theatrical performances I participated in were:
The Master and Margarita (Bulgacov)
Bloodshed at a wedding (F.G.Lorca)
The Tower of Black Wood (Fowels)
The Taming of the Shrew (Shakespeare)
King Lear (Shakespeare)
Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare)
The wedding of Figaro (Bomarshe)
Akutagawa (Ryunosuke Akutagawa)
Little Zaches (Hoffmann)
Faustus (selected)
The Temple of the Golden Pavilion (Yukio Mishima)

Exhibitions of my paintings, ceramics and other art took place in:
Spain, Holland, Russia, Georgia, Germany

My art can be found in private collections in:
USA, England, Scotland, Spain, Georgia, Russia, Poland, Chekoslovakia, Holland, Brazil, Germany, Australia, Portugal, France

I have discovered the joys of a new form of Digital Art, and this is what I concentrate on at the moment. The purpose is for the images to be printed on large canvases of approximately 1.5 by 2 meters, depending on the original format.

These works can be completely customized and personalized, so I take commisions. Each work is guaranteed to be unique and unrepeated. If you are interested in my art, or in collaborating with me in some form, please don't hesitate to fill out the contact us page, or e-mail directly to:


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