Monday, March 10, 2008

TRAVEL-TOUR: Discovering Medieval Monasticism in Georgia: A Guided Tour

Monastery Tour 2008: In our third season, join us for an exploration of Georgia's oldest monasteries, founded in the sixth century by Christian ascetics from Syria. Be among the first westerners to rediscover the ancient architecture, frescoes, and acoustics of these remarkable monuments, set amidst rolling vineyards, towering peaks, and the desert vistas of the Caspian basin. Led by chant team Luarsab Togonidze, John A Graham, and Aurelia Shrenker, this unique tour seeks to investigate the sounds and wonders of medieval Georgia, while presenting the world-famous hospitality and charm of modern Georgia...

Past Tours
Impressions: 2006 and 2007 MTour memories
2007 Tour Album


John A Graham

25 Greenview Ave.

Princeton, NJ 08542

(802) 922-3264 (email preferred)

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