Sunday, April 06, 2008

NATO-Summit: Germany against Kyiv’s Westward push

... im Anhang ein kontroverser Artikel des prominenten westlichen Ukrainekommentators Dr. Taras Kuzio, den dieser am 3.4.08 in der "Kyiv Post" veroeffentlichte. Darunter meine Entgegnung auf den Artikel. Vielleicht hat jemand weitere Kommentare.

Mit Gruessen aus Kiew
Andres Umland


Kyiv Post
April 3rd, 2008

Germany against Kyiv’s Westward push
By Taras Kuzio

During the Cold War, NATO was often described as an international organization whose purpose was to keep the Americans in, the Germans down and the Russians out. NATO’s Bucharest summit this week will show that only the first of these ¯ keeping the Americans in ¯ still holds 18 years after the Berlin Wall crumbled. The Germans are no longer down and the Russians are no longer out. In fact it is because the Germans are no longer down that the Russians are back in. The German nationalism that British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher chillingly predicted during the December 1989 European Community summit would return following Germany’s unification is back.

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