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Conflicts news
1. Russian paratroopers deployed near Kodori Gorge
2. Georgia condemns Russia's "additional military manoeuvres" in Abkhazia
3. Calls grow for international mediation & change of peacekeeping format, as Russian troop numbers increase
4. Sergei Shamba: We don't believe Saakashvili’s declarations
5. Russian diplomat warns of war if peacekeepers leave
6. Russian reinforcements join peacekeepers in Abkhazia
7. Revenge said exacted for killing of officer in Abkhazia
8. Abkhazia determined to shoot down Georgian reconnaissance planes
9. Abkhaz ready for war with Georgia
10. Burjanadze says Abkhaz status quo must be restored
11. video: Russia-Georgia tensions over Abkhazia
12. Abkhaz claim downed drone carried missile
13. Abkhazia fears tensions with Georgia may progress – minister
14. Russian stance has made Georgia more peaceable - Abkhazia
15. Georgia demands Russia withdraw reinforcements from Abkhazia
16. Russia preparing for provocation against Georgia – opposition
17. Talks with Tbilisi can begin only when it observes earlier agreements - Abkhaz leader
18. Russian Ambassador comments on peacekeepers mission in Abkhazia
19. Russia, Georgia will overcome if friendship preserved – ambassador
20. Kodori Gorge villages under assault threat
21. Russia foreign investors unfazed by rows with West [excerpt]
22. Local NGO works to strengthen Georgian-Abkhazian cultural ties
23. VE-Day celebrated in Abkhazia
24. WW II veterans object to Russia's policy
25. Russians consider China to be top friend, while USA, Georgia get lowest ratings
Conflicts US and European intervention
26. US and EU support for Tbilisi grows amid escalating tension with Russia
27. US, NATO support territorial integrity of Georgia – Bryza
28. US diplomat says no military solution in Abkhazia
29. US delegation meets with Abkhazian leaders to discuss negotiations
30. video: U.S. to help settle Georgian-Abkhazian conflict
31. US diplomat says drone flights over Abkhazia help Georgia feel secure
32. Top US official urges Georgia, Abkhazia for negotiations
33. Abkhaz leaders meet US officials
34. U.S. official meets opposition leaders
35. U.S. official: Russia’s provocative steps deter peace process
36. U.S. official notes progress in preparing fair elections
37. State Minister affirms importance of Bryza's Sukhumi visit
38. Russian MP says USA unlikely to succeed in Abkhazia
39. Washington does not believe Russia, Georgia want to go to war
40. Top US official hopeful of resumed dialogue between Georgia, Abkhazia
41. Looking forward to the Medvedev administration in Russia
42. Discussions on Georgia in Brussels and Vienna
43. No call for help from Georgia, NATO chief of staff says
44. EU will not take side in Russo Georgian tension
45. EU ministers launch talks on Georgia crisis, Lithuania-Russia spat
46. Georgia on EU's mind as ministers decide whether to accept mission
47. EU ministers set for Georgia crisis talks
48. EU foreign ministers to fly to Georgia to cool Russia crisis: officials
49. EU satellite imagery experts will seek to solve Georgia drones row
50. Lithuania to join EU mission to Georgia to ease tensions in relations with Moscow
51. Slovenia confirms EU mission to Georgia
52. Latvian FM underscores wider EU participation in solving Georgia’s situation
53. Polish president supports foreign minister's proposed mission to Georgia
Conflicts commentary and analysis
54. Don't blame Georgia
55. Russia thinks it has ample time before Olympics, but it's a misjudgment
56. Russian blue berets - guarding separatists' interests
57. War or peace? Toeing the line in Abkhazia
58. An emboldened Russia and a weak Georgia
59. Russia and Georgia on the brink of armed conflict over Abkhazia
60. audio: Ed Lucas and Gideon Rachman on Georgia v. Russia
BBC, May 9, at about 50 min. in tinyurl.com/52vtt8
61. Another needless confrontation: Stay out of the Russian-Georgian crossfire
62. The mouse that roared: Georgia's Saakashvili trying to provoke Russia
63. Taking the temperature in Georgia’s hot spring
64. What is happening in Georgia is a clear attempt by Russia to redesign Eastern Europe
65. The west can respond more effectively to Russia’s assault on Georgia: part iii
66. Smeared by peace. Russia not planning to go to war with Georgia but wants to teach it lesson
Politics and elections
67. Burjanadze was up to something but she was blocked
68. Labor Party accuses government of mishandling public funds
69. After Misha
70. Not dressed for the party: Where party politics is failing Georgia
71. Four organizations publish interim reports on parliamentary elections
72. Opposition calls to snub exit polls
73. Opposition launches "liberation movement"
74. Opposition campaigns in western Georgia
75. Public Defender ‘alarmed’ over cases of voter intimidation
76. Candidate from opposition promised Azerbaijani voters to open Sadakhlo market in Georgia
77. Balancing political gender: Ekaterine Tkeshelashvili appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs
78. Bank accounts of special funds for special needs
79. First logistics conference in Tbilisi
80. Reducing poverty through sustainable growth
81. Local NGO promotes reproductive and sexual health
82. Tbilisi’s Jewish House closes under suspicious circumstances
83. Georgia marks V-Day
84. VE-Day celebrated in Georgia
85. Goga Khaindrava to participate in conference scheduled in Poland upon the invitation of Adam Mikhnik
86. Maestro executive hopes resolution of OSCE Observation Mission will have a positive effect
87. video: Georgia buries Iraq victims
88. The Caucasus transit: The Baku-Supsa oil pipeline is currently being upgraded
89. Journal: Archival Bulletin of the Archive Dept. of the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs
90. Azerbaijan resumes gas deliveries to Georgia
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic), jonathan.kulick@gfsis.org, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
Hey Ralph, wo steckst Du denn ? Südsee ? Gibts hier keine Updates mehr ??
ReplyDeleteGruß, Heiner