The war in Georgia is symptomatic of the worst of the human condition. We are NOT a world community. We are individuals yearning for individual autonomy in a modern frenzy of collectivism. As we face crises like the current horror of Georgia falling under the oppressive aggression of Russian imperialism we must be careful to realize that we fall prey to similar conditions of the destruction of our individual rights and autonomy whenever we yield-up to others our personal fate. YES, the free world should and needs to respond to this aggression with definite sweeping retaliation. YES, such a response can only come from organized free societies capable of applying rationale strategic and justified military power. But NO, we can not appeal for this legitimate defense of liberty from the "world community" - it does not exist. What exists are millions of individuals throughout the world who share an intrinsic value of their own survival and opportunity to aspire. It is up to the individual throughout the world to come out of his or her stunted state of inactive disengagement and become the voice of reason and self-preservation. This can and should be done through active involvement in the democratic process where there are democracies that respond to the sovereign rights of the individual. This can and should be done (at the other extreme) in oppressive totalitarian societies where there are no sanctioned liberties, by the shear rising-up of each individual against those local oppressions. There can be no reprieve from oppression without the courage of the individual, regardless their circumstance. To defer justice to ANY centralized authority (democratic or tyrannical) is to pave the way for more suppression, oppression, and subjugation of the human spirit. The aggression and lack of appropriate response from the "free" world is surely evidence of this condition and an even more horrific reflection of our own apathy toward the sacred liberties of our birthright. All honor and glory be to the freedom fighters of Georgia and the rest of the world. Peace is not a given state that can be pulled from a tree under which we rest. It is the assertion of the individual will for its SELF against the domination of others amassed in the evil use of force.
I would be pleased if you cared to share these words on your blogsite.
PS My daughter turned me onto your site. She has just fled Georgia to Armenia. We are currently waiting for word about her possible return to the states.
Peter Calandruccio, Architect
Tamazi from Eredvi:
When Eredvi was bombed, the first shelling, I was caught in. When I reached the home, I could find neither my documents, nor the spectacles and meanwhile the second shelling had started. There is a heavy death toll. I am sick, I hardly reached the door to get out.. Our soldiers were outside; they pulled me in their car and took me to Gori. I thought I would get some treatment and then go back. But they struck Gori and as a minibus was coming to Tbilisi, I got in it. I had no other choice, but to go with what was on me. Now I am staying at my relatives' place. I am prescribed to lie all the time, I cannot stand or walk. My house and houses of my children are destroyed. I could not take anything from my house. I am wearing someone's shoes, I had even to borrow trousers.
A woman from Tskhinvali region:
"We were brought till the village Achabeti and asked to get out. I called to my relative to take us and he arrived. At that time there was no mean of transport in the village of Tkviavi. Oh my God, had u had a chance to see my mother in low. She is a blind, old, fragile woman. If I had not taken her from there, my husband would not have come with us – he would not have left his mother. Mother in low of my cousin died, when they were leaving."
Great Liakhvi valley is fully destroyed. Georgian villages of Achabeti, Tamarasheni, Tkviavi have all been shelled. The whole Valley is burning. There was left no single house. Ateni village was also bombed. Four shells attacked my house, which was destructed as a result. We escaped together with my children and grandchildren. We have 10-months old kid. We were fired with huge shells. That is why we had to lay down and hide periodically, and then we went on. They were taking cars from the houses. I saw how they stopped a car. The driver resisted to the taking of his car, saying "it was earned with painstaking labor". The invader took his arm and shot him. As another car passed by, they threw the driver out and took the car away.
I am 72 years old and this old woman came to Gori on foot. This is such a disaster. They are taking cars away. I have nothing anymore. One of my children died a year ago. We are living now in this calamity. I know nothing, I don't understand anything.
Until August 7, 2008, we, population of Kareli, felt being safe and sound despite all those turmoils that took place around us during recent years.
At midnight of August 7, 2008, we heard horrible sounds of the first blasts. That was the sound of low-flying attack started up by South Ossetian separatists over Georgian villages. During the whole night we were observing bombs sparkling in the sky. We were so scared and shocked by the picture we saw, that could fall asleep only at dawn, although, that was just a short break. That night we did not understand the horror of reality yet. Being in a severe shock, we did not want to understand that we might be directly involved in brutality of the war. At 9:30 a.m., we heard the sound of the bomb blast and the shaking walls of the house made us to rush out. The fragments of the bomb, dropped down Kareli, were all over the yards. Russian bombers attacked Georgian villages. Shortly, all surrounding villages have been bombed out as well as those Georgian military units which were protecting civil population. More and more people were wondered, the yard of the hospital was full of injured men. Each resident of Kareli did his best to help them: donating blood, and giving shelters. We decided to contribute and donate our blood as well, but we were not allowed to, due to our age.
Non-stop bombardment caused a panic in the city. Our city is located under the air trace and after each bombardment we hoped, helplessly, to survive.
We could not sleep for three days and nights. Each morning it went from bad to worse. Our neighbors forced us to leave for Tbilisi, but stayed in the city themselves.
We cannot describe that fear we felt during bombardments. However, the worst was the fear of losing our relatives. Communication (cell phones) was not working and we did not know anything about our parents. We were angry with them for sending us out of the city and for not joining us in Tbilisi. We could not reach them at all!
Thanks God, the major danger is behind now and our family survived, as well as our house…But what about our friends and peers from Kareli, Agara, Tamarisi and Gori? Those who have lost houses and families?! What will happen with them tomorrow, will it bring us peace and freedom?! Will we feel ourselves, back home, as safe and sound as we were before?
We need freedom and peace!!!
We need future!!!
Tiko and Sopho Katselashvili
(17 and 18 years old)
English: There are two parts in order to get higher ranking in search results one is the INTERNAL OPTIMIZATION you have to know how to post the information to bold the important words or key words in text, use keywords in the title.
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I witnessed how Russian Jet plane was hunting the civilians.
On 9th of August, at about 14:00 I was in my yard, in village Tirdznisi, Gori region, together with my 4 neighbors; among them one was 50 years old women.
Jet plane, flying at a low altitude, reduces its height after seeing us and opened fire. There are no military objects or military technique or soldiers in the several kilometers' radius. We were lucky to survive.
The same kind of hunting happened in village Karbishi, Gori region, where it ended tragically – 5 people died and 11 were wounded
Tamaz Zerekidze. Professor of physical and mathematical sciences, Ph.D
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