Friday, August 22, 2008

GEOPOLITICS: The New Great Game. (

By Christopher Dickey

Given Russia's moves on Georgia, it's time for the United States to rethink its policy toward Iran.

Remember Iran, the greatest threat to Western civilization since, well, Iraq? The posturing conservatives who dominated America's foreign policy for most of the last seven years pretended the only approach that ever could or should be pursued toward the mullahs would be isolation, confrontation and, what the hell, annihilation. Who can forget the oft-repeated campaign mantra of Sen. John McCain that the only thing worse than going to war with Iran would be a nuclear-armed Iran?
Well, it turns out that a lot of things are worse. It's funny how a reassertive
Russia armed with some 10,000 all-too-real nuclear weapons puts the theoretical menace of Iran's as yet non- existent arsenal in perspective. But, looking ahead, what's more curious still is that a new administration--maybe even McCain's--may start looking for ways to work with Iran to help balance Russian power.

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