8 August 2008 Russia claiming "the protection of its citizens", started aggression against Georgia in S. Ocetia.
According to "СМИ" Russian military aviation bombed Gori. According to Georgian officials Russian Airplanes bombed Poti, Senaki and Tskhinvali. Russian "СМИ" stated that paratroopers "РФ" were deployed in Tskhinvali.
August 8, in the evening on UN Security Council session Russian ambassador Vitali Churkin admitted the fact that Russians were bombing Georgian Teritory. At the beginning of the Russian Agression in Georgia Russia strengthened anti-Georgian propaganda. Russian media was talking only about Georgian military activities in s. Osetia, however they were silent about shooting and bombing Georgian villages by the regime of Eduard Kokoiti. On august 8 Georgian governmental web-pages and the web-page of Rustavi 2 (Georgian broadcasting company) were hacked.
On August 8 International Society Мемориал discussed the advance of Georgian military forces in Tskhinvali which has been characterized by Georgian officials as "constitutional way for establishing peace" (http://www.memo.ru/2008/08/08/0808081.htm) but whatever is happening in Georgia, Russia doesn't have a right of using military force in foreign territory. The status of Russian peace-keepers in Georgia is defined by intergovernmental agreements. Russia has lost the moral right for conducting the peace keeping mission in Abkhazia and S. Ossetia when Russian government has provoked the conflicts and was supporting the separatists. And as Russian troops have bombed and invaded Georgian territory way beyond than S. Ossetia, Russia became a part of the conflict.
President Medvedev stated that he has an obligation to protect the lives of Russian citizens despite of their location. However as it is reaffirmed in United Nations General Assembly Resolution of 14 December 1974 Definition of Aggression article 5.1 "No consideration of whatever nature, whether political, economic, military or otherwise, may serve as a justification for aggression." As in 1938 Nazi Germany justified the invasion of Czecho-slovakian territory by protecting the interests of German population there.
The historical experience has showed that the intervention of our country in foreign business is unavoidable. Contrary to statements for "help" — leads to incalculable troubles. In 1979 Soviet government sent the troops to Sovereign Afganistan under a pretext of «rendering of the brotherly help » Hundred thousand residents of the country became victims of the Soviet Army. Today a "chekist-official" group which governs Russia – predecessor of Soviet government has commited the aggression against independent Georgia.
Incursion into Afghanistan has led to that in this country many years do not stop large-scale violence and infringement of the rights of citizens, wars continually flash. Historical development of Afghanistan has turned From the secular state it has turned in theocratic. Actions of the Soviet management have led to sharp growth of popularity of Islamic fundamentalism not only in Afghanistan, but also in Pakistan and the Arabian countries. (let us recall an alliance of "Taliban" and Alqaida.)
If the international community will not stop the Russian aggression and if Georgia, carrying out the legitimate right for self-defense, cannot reflect it, Russia can grasp not only former ¯S. Ossetian autonomous region, but also other parts of Georgia. And in fact many irresponsible Russian politicians declare claims on kremlin.
We demand the immediate termination of aggression against Georgia.
We consider, that a management of Russia, having put one more bloody spot on reputation of the country, has made finally unacceptable from the moral point of view its stay in « big 8"
We call General Assembly of the United Nations, the Organization on safety and cooperation in the Europe, Parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe and other international institutes to consider the problem on actions of the Russian management against Georgia.
Sergey Kovalev, chairman of the Russian society "Memorial", chairman of Fund of a name A.D.Saharova
Dmitry Belomestnov, the journalist, Moscow
Stanislav Dmitrievsky (Nizhni Novgorod), chairman of the Society of the Russian-Chechen friendship
Tatyana Monahova, human rights defender, Moscow
Elena Maglevannaja, the proof-reader, Volgograd
Michael Kriger, chairman of Committee of anti-war actions, Moscow
Ivan Simochkin, youth movement "Defense", Moscow
Alexey Manannikov, the president Siberian inter-regional правозащитного fund " Vena-89 ", Novosibirsk
Edward Glezin, the coordinator of the Russian youth movement «abarona" Moscow
Anton Chezhidov, active worker НДСМ
Dmitry Shusharin, the historian and the journalist
Igor Drandin, РНДС
Vladimir Shaklein, the Inter-regional center of human rights — Ural branch OOD « For human rights »
Vladimir Sirotin, the left socialist
Larissa Volodimerova, the legal expert (and also the writer and the publicist), Holland, and its human rights defender the organization "Fund " Марекса ""
Lev Ponomarev, executive director of the All-Russian social movement « For human rights »
Vladimir Panteleev, the political prisoner in 1970–76, the invalid of 2 groups after political represion, chairman of board of the Nizhniy Novgorod society of victims of communistic terror, Nizhni Novgorod
Sergey Sorokin, chairman of Movement against violence, Moscow
Anna Mikhailina
Felix Balonov, the candidate of historical sciences, St.-Petersburg
Dmitry Vorobevsky, the editor of the newspaper "Sedition", member of the Democratic Union, Voronezh
Valentine Schulman, the doctor, Moscow
Raisa Grishechkina, Rostov-ON-Don
Alexey Skripkin, the programmer, Kostroma
Alexey yarema, the head of Group the ЭРА, St.-Petersburg
Olga Mamay, the teacher, Moscow
Ekaterina Vorobeva, the historian-archivist, Moscow
Leonid Litinsky, the mathematician, Troitsk.
Elena Ryabinin, the employee of Committee « Civil assistance », Moscow
Suren Edigavov, Moscow
Andrey Zhelonkin, the journalist, Saransk
Natalia Gorbanevskaja, human rights defender, the participant taken place on August, 25th, 1968 on the Red area in Moscow manifestations of protest against intrusion of the Soviet armies into Czechoslovakia
Victor Fajnberg, the legal expert, the participant taken place on August, 25th, 1968 on the Red area in Moscow manifestations of protest against intrusion of the Soviet armies into Czechoslovakia
Galia Koinash, Kharkov human rights group
Oksana Chelysheva, Nizhni Novgorod
Elena Mikhaylovskaya, the housewife, Kharkov, Ukraine
Evgenie Rile, Moscow
Rpzalia Iskandarova, the journalist, "г. Свет"
Source: grani.ru
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