Thursday, August 21, 2008

UNPO: Caucasian Concerns - Report on Trans-Caucasus Region. (

UNPO has launched "Caucasian Concerns", a paper to brief European decision-makers on the history, political background and issue for self-determination in the trans-Caucasian region.

The Hague, 20 August 2008- "The conflict in Georgia has shown the need to address issues relating to self-determination through the ascertainment of the international rule of law", states Marino Busdachin, General Secretary of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization.

"With this report, UNPO wishes to bring to the attention of Members of the European Parliament, and legislators around Europe, the possible future hotspots in the Caucasus. We urge European decision-makers to listen to the voices of the peoples of that region, who wish to live peacefully, but cannot do so unless their rights are granted by mechanisms of international legality".

The document titled Caucasian Concerns: History, Political Background and Self-Determination Issues in the Trans-Caucasian Region was prepared at UNPO Headquarters in The Hague and will be presented on 20 August at the European Parliament by Senator Marco Perduca, UNPO Treasurer and co-Vice President of the NonViolent Radical Party, and Radical MEPs Marco Pannella and Marco Cappato. They launch the report before a special meeting of the EP Foreign Affairs Committee convened for an exchange of views with Mr Jean-Pierre Jouyet, acting President-in-Office of Council and Secretary of State for European Affairs of the Republic of France on the results of the extraordinary GAERC meeting of 13 August and the NATO Foreign Ministers meeting of 19 August; to hear a report by Ms Marie Anne Isler Beguin, Chair of the Delegation for the relations with the South Caucasus on her fact-finding visit to Georgia on behalf of the President of the European Parliament and to listen from Ms Eka Tkeshelashvili, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia.

The can be accessed here:
Caucasian Concerns: History, Political Background and Self-Determination Issues in the Trans-Caucasian Region

Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization
Mr. Marino Busdachin, UNPO General Secretary
Paviljoensgracht 76
2512 BR The Hague
The Netherlands
Tel: +31(0)70 3646504
Fax: +31(0)70 3646608
August 2008


  1. Rappo! What is this? Didn't you read the document before putting it on the blog? This document is full of unjustified argumentation and LIES!

  2. Maka, mostly I have problems with different statements in this problematical context. I have got difficults to say what is true - it is more a philosophical statement and point of view but this one can't help nobody in this terrible conflict and situation in Georgia.

    Just now in this crucial times I could see more hate and more and more (sometimes also unconscious) propaganda ...

    And I would like to show in my blog this different currents and point of views: also the iner-caucasian conflicts and misunderstandings each other ... and also the cold viewing of analysis from outside to this war ... also the geopolitical strategy which nobody know from us (only some experts writing much more in this days) ... For me is it a now strong time. I like your area, the people and I'm interesting above all in this culture from south caucasus and the cultural influences there.

    And to this paper: I think it is interesting to see what this initiative will doing in this problematical situation. I think they wouldn't like to be really decision maker. They speak about non-violent decisions ... in iner-state conflicts ... why not?! It sounds problematical but this is not the worst approach ...

    And they show in the paper all the different caucasians conflicts and different cultures and mentalities there ...

    And finally: Not all is here my opinion !!! ... but for me and my point of view is it important to look and to speak with different basic approaches ... therefore is my blog now more and more a collection of links and articles ... like an archieve ... for discussion and reflections ...

    When you find any really mistakes, errors or you would like to start serious debates than is the aim of my blog in this days fullfilled! More I can't doing now!

    Dear Maka, when you speak about unjustified argumentation and lies than write please here what you mean - also for the other readers and for the discussion.

    Friendly regards from Germany now, Rappo

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Dear Rappo,

    I understand your point, but let me pose simple questions based on that document of lies:

    1. Abkhazians in Abkhazia had been a majority? If we put all the refugees back to Abkhazia, which ethic group will be the majority?
    2. Megrelians are a minority - or they are as Georgians as I myself am? The document claims Megrelians to be another ethic group!
    3. Are the Ajarians Georgians? The document claims Ajarians to be another ethic group! And they speak different dialect - I don't need a dictionary to understand Ajarians when I go to the seaside!!!!! it's a nonsence!
    4. Did we ever annexed any territory?
