Saturday, March 21, 2009

BLOG: New Washington Team and a Fresh Game in Russia, Iran and the Caspian (

By Steve LeVine

After much gnawing over the notion, the Bush administration decided last year to issue a White House invitation to Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov. That was wise -- this trained dentist is one of a handful of indispensable players in Eurasian energy.
Alas, the invitation was also late -- geopolitical rival Vladimir Putin had marked up a several-year-long head start of mutual state visits between Moscow and Ashgabat. And it was clumsy: the Turkmen leader was asked to come after the November presidential election. In other words, after Bush was officially a lame duck.
Understandably, Berdymukhamedov declined.

full article >>>

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