Friday, March 13, 2009

NEWS: 13 Mar 09 | Caucasus Reporting Service 484 (

Georgia Opposition Vow to Topple Saakashvili
President’s enemies say huge street protests next month, will end his rule - but not everyone is convinced. By Mikhail Vignansky in Tbilisi (CRS No. 484, 13-Mar-09)

Armenian Gays Face Long Walk to Freedom
Society remains as relentlessly homophobic here as elsewhere in the Caucasus, but activists say there some grounds for hope. By Vahan Ishkhanian in Yerevan (CRS No. 484, 13-Mar-09)
Karabakh Refugees Take Dim View of New Homes
They say living conditions in new settlements provided by authorities almost unbearable. By Sabina Vagifqyzy in Beylaqan (CRS No. 484, 13-Mar-09)

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