Sunday, March 08, 2009

NEWS: 6 Mar 09 | Caucasus Reporting Service 483 (

Armenia Opposition Abandons Talk of Revolution
As Ter-Petrosian distances himself from earlier radical rhetoric - now talk of coalition government in the air.
By Rita Karapetian in Yerevan (CRS No. 483, 5-Mar-09)

Currency Shock Triggers Consumer Panic in Armenia
Overnight drop in value of dram feeds savers’ worries and sends shoppers rushing to stores to stock up.
By Naira Melkumian in Yerevan (CRS No. 483, 5-Mar-09)

Azeri Muslims Feel State Far From Friendly
Believers says problems over mosques, headscarves and the Hajj reflect official climate of indifference or hostility.
By Seymur Kazimov in Baku (CRS No. 483, 5-Mar-09)

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