Monday, March 02, 2009

PERSONALITY: Sabine Freizer is Caucasus Project Director of the International Crisis Group

Sabine Freizer is Caucasus Project Director of the International Crisis Group, based in Tbilisi. She was awarded a doctorate from the London School of Economics for research on peacebuilding and civil society, and has worked with the OSCE, the UNHCR, the European Commission and Britain’s department for international development on political and human-rights issues in the Balkans, the Caucasus and central Asia.

Recent articles

Nagorno-Karabakh: between vote and reality

Nagorno-Karabakh has followed Transdniestria and South Ossetia in holding an independence referendum. But democracy in these "non-recognised entities" is not so simple, reports Sabine Freizer of the International Crisis Group.

Armenia's emptying democracy

Armenia’s constitutional referendum reveals a flawed political system ruling over disaffected citizens whose faith in western-sponsored democracy is being sorely tested, reports Sabine Freizer in Yerevan.

Azerbaijan's unfinished election

Ilham Aliev’s ruling party declared victory before the votes were counted, but the opposition can still challenge some of its fraudulent results, reports the International Crisis Group’s Sabine Freizer in Baku.

Midnight in Tashkent

A surge of anti-state violence in Uzbekistan suggests that the policies of the autocratic Tashkent regime and the attitude of its international sponsors are alike in urgent need of reform.

The pillars of Georgia's political transition

After the “rose revolution”, how will Georgia’s leaders cope with their difficult legacy – endemic corruption, internal schisms, geopolitical pressures? An experienced political analyst recently in Tbilisi maps the strategic options facing the south Caucasian state’s new president, Mikhail Saakashvili.

The Dynamics of Change in the South Caucasus: The Case of Armenia ...

Sabine Freizer

Europe Program Director
Brussels, Belgium

Crisis Group role:

Sabine Freizer is the Brussels-based Director of the Europe Program. She started with Crisis Group as Caucasus Project Director in July 2004. As Europe Program Director, Sabine Freizer oversees projects covering the Caucasus, Kosovo, Serbia and Montenegro, and Turkey. She has a PhD from the London School of Economics, and a Masters from the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium) which she obtained as a Fulbright Scholar.

Areas of expertise:

  • Balkans
  • Caucasus
  • Turkey
  • Moldova
  • Civil society and conflict prevention

Professional background:

  • Caucasus Project Director (Tbilisi-based), International Crisis Group, 2004-2007
  • Political Officer, OSCE Election Observation Missions Azerbaijan and Georgia, 2003-2004
  • Human Dimensions/Legal Expert, OSCE Central Asia Liaison Office, Tashkent, 1999-2000
  • Civil Society Coordinator, OSCE Mission to Bosnia-Herzegovina, Sarajevo, 1996-1998

Publications and media:

Solving the EU-Turkey-Cyprus Triangle, regular analysis and commentary


  • English (native)
  • French (native)

Click here for a high-resolution photo of Sabine Freizer.

Click here for a one-page PDF document of this information with contact details.

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