Thursday, March 12, 2009

PHOTOGRAPHY: Magnum Agency about th Caucasus (

Thomas Dvorzak 2000 (photo left), Dagestan, near the town of Andi on the chechen border. Memorial for a dead Russian soldier

In www.twittercom/southcaucasus I was today the first time a little bit more active. There I connected the twitterfeed from The Agency Magnum. After that I surfed in this amazing space with many photographies. I recommend to descover the world there!

More than
1000 high professional photos from the Caucasus can you find here >>>

with photographers like Thomas Dvorzak, Jonas Bendiksen, John Vink, Donovan Wylie, Gueorgui Pinkhassov, Alex Webb, Ian Berry, Carl De Kayzer, Abbas, Peter Marlow, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Eve Arnold, Martine Franck, Inge Morath, Erich Lessing, Robert Cappa, Alex Majoli

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