Sunday, March 08, 2009

PORTRAIT: Georges Dumezil (

The French cultural centre in Tbilisi, in its infinite wisdom, and as part of its "Francophonie 2009" program, has organized a conference on Georges Dumezil - philologist and mythologist, and the father of modern French caucasology - to be held at Tbilisi's Ilia Chavchavadze University on March 26 2009.
The speaker will be Bernard Outtier, who teaches Armenian language and literature at the University of Geneva, and Old Georgian at the Catholic Institute in Paris, and is the author of over 200 contributions on the Armenian, Georgian, and Syriac languages.

full article >>>

Another blogs by the great man Alexander Bainbridge:

Traditional Sounds
Larger Photographs from my Collection
The work of Alexnader Bainbridge

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