Dear Sir and Madame,
CRISP is a Berlin based NGO dealing with conflict transformation and political participation. Last year we organized our first seminar in Kosovo, this year our organization is very interested in conducting a similar seminar which is based on the method of simulation gaming in the Caucasian area. The main goal of this seminar will be to pass on the method of simulating conflicts to people working in the field of conflict transformation. The success of the seminar is very much depending, on a close cooperation with local partners. So, if you yourself, your organization or any of your colleagues or friends are interested in any kind of cooperation, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Important questions for us are: Where the seminar should take place, from which countries we could recruit possible participants, which kind of simulation we should conduct, and possible co-funds. You can find some basic information attached in a short draft. If you interested we can send you more information soon.
Best regards
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Wir sind CRISP, ein gemeinnütziger Verein, der Planspiele als Mittel der Konfliktbearbeitung durchführt. Letztes Jahr haben wir unser erstes Planspielseminar im Kosovo durchgeführt. Dieses Jahr wollen wir etwas Ähnliches im Kaukasus machen. Ziel hierbei ist es in erster Linie, die Methode Planspiel an Interessierte MitarbeiterInnen von NGOs weiterzugeben. Hierfür suchen wir gerade nach Partnerorganisationen vor Ort. Vor allem sind wir auf der Suche nach NGOs die im weitesten Sinne im Bereich der Konfliktbearbeitung tätig sind, und mit denen wir gemeinsam das Seminar planen und durchführen können. Wichtige Fragen sind hierbei unter anderem: Wo das Seminar stattfinden soll, aus welchen Ländern sich TeilnehmerInnen gewinnen lassen, die Art der Konfliktsimulation, sowie mögliche Förderer.
Wenn von Deiner Seite Interesse an einer Zusammenarbeit besteht, oder Du jemanden kennst, der vielleicht Interesse haben könnte, schicke ich Dir gerne ausführliches Infomaterial zu. Erste Informationen findest Du anbei in einer Kurzversion unserer Projektbeschreibung, oder auf unserer Homepage:
Björn Uhlig
Eisenbahnstraße 4, 10997 Berlin
cell 0172 - 1723995
Who we are:
CRISP - Crisis Simulation for Peace e. V. – facilitates seminars and trainings dealing with conflict
management and political participation. Because of our longtime experience with simulation games, we are convinced of the effectiveness of this innovative learning method. Even more after we successfully conducted a conflict-transformation-seminar in Kosovo in 2008.
Simulation-games can support a differentiated interethnic dialogue, because they offer a change of perspective and therefore lead to an examination of own prejudices. For this reason they can help to reduce fears and to promote the empathy-skills on both sides of the conflict. Furthermore simulationgames are stimulating the participant capabilities of strategic action. Potential partners on other levels can be better identified. Strengthening the individual capabilities of the participants and the adoption of a strategic perspective finally present the basis for the development of peace alliances.
Description oft the Seminar:
This year we are planning to conduct a similar seminar in the Caucasus, which hopefully could be a worthwhile contribution to the local process of conflict-transformation. The Seminar will last between 5 and 7 days and will include preparation, simulation and evaluation phases.
Goals of the seminar:
The overall goal is to pass on the described method to possible multiplicators. By participating one is not only gaining on personal level, but gets the abilities, to pass on the method effectively. By this the seminars follows the train-the-trainers-concept. Furthermore by bringing people from different regions and working fields together, the seminar offers a excellent base for Networking and further cooperation. Bringing people together and by this pushing the reconciliation process forward, has to be carried out by people on the ground. Therefore we strive for intense cooperation with local partners.
Target Group:
As we are convinced of the effectiveness of the method we want to offer an innovative instrument for conflict-transformation. That’s why we aiming for active Members of Civil Society working in the field of conflict transformation. Furthermore people with different backgrounds that are looking for new didactic methods.
February - March 2009
Identifying local cooperation Partners and co-funds.
The ZIVIK-program of the German Foreign Ministry already ensured to be one of the main-donors.
March - April 2009
Development of seminar framework in close cooperation with local Partners. Fundraising.
July 2009
Preparation Meeting in the region.
October/November 2009
Seminar: ConSim Caucasus 09
March 2010
Evaluation Meeting
adress: Kot t b u s s e r Damm 100 10967 Berl i n Germany
fon: +49 – 30 – 616 25 367
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