Monday, April 13, 2009


photographer nata sopromadze model kato dedabrishvili

photographer nata sopromadze model nata koraxashvili

GEORGE SHAGHASHVILI: In 1999, I finished Tbilisi Medical University as a Medical Doctor in Preventive Medicine. I have worked a number of years in one of the hospitals of Tbilisi, but my real passions have always been art and fashion design. In 1999, I won a price International Avantage Fashion Assembly in Tbilisi for the best Avangarde Idea and Realisation of a 17 costume collection. The collection was mainly a combination of textile and gips-sculptures at the bodies. Chef of the Jury was Andrew Logan (London). In 2000, I was nominated as the best avangarde designer of the year at the Tbilisi Fashion Festival (same collection as above). In 2003, I made a five costume collection for the Russian Siluette in Tbilisi called 'Birth'. For this collection I was chosen for the finalist show. Alongside the fashion collections, I have held a number of personal art exhibitions and partaken in group exhibitions displaying both graphic and colour art. In 2004 I decided to pursue a formal education in Fashion Design and in 2008 I graduated from Tbilisi State Art Academy, with highest grade as a Bachelor from the Fashion Design Department. The graduation collection is named 'Black Square' and holds 17 full costumes, as well as leather bags and footwear. Currently, I am continuing my formal education pursuing a Master Degree in Fashion Design at the State Academy. Alongside my studies, I work as a lecturer for the GeoModel Agency teaching Fashion History and Modern Trends

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