The Award program is open to all photographers born after June 1, 1975, living in Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, the Republics of the North Caucasus in the Russian Federation (Daghestan, Chechnya, Ingushetia, North-Ossetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karatshaevo-Tsherkessia, and Adigey Republic) and the Russian Federation regions of Stavropol Krai and Krasnodar. Existing United Nations standards on nationality and borders will be utilized for purposes of determining eligibility.
Photographers affiliated with the Magnum Foundation or Magnum Photos and their immediate families are not eligible to participate.
scanning in writing you as not serious, but after I read that you were a reliable author
ReplyDeleteWhat does you mean? Okay in this blog you can find very seldom a text from myself. I tstarted this blog long time ago. In this time there was no facebook or twitter like today ... But I don't kno what you mean David? Every time you can find the sources ... Never I said this text is from me ... All the time this blog is a collection of different sources about Georgia & South Caucasus ... nothing more. Why you are so anxious? It is only a blog not a news agency or an analysis magazin ... I think it is not so bad for Georgia & South Caucasus ... ,-)