First the contest was held in May 2002. Almost 100 photo ammauter took part in the competition. In the show - held paralelly - Georgian professional photographers took part. The second contest was held in December of the same year. The organisation group received about 1000 photos. The number of the photos was coused by wide-format advertising campaign preceeding the contest. Informational support was held by leading TV and Radio channels of the country. The third contest was hosted by three galleries at the same time in December of 2003. There were 1400 competitive photos. 150 winner ones were exhibitied in the hosting galleries. At the conclusive party of the contest there was presented the KOLGA electronice alboom and the photo catalogue. Soon the issue of alboom and the catalogue became the contest tradtition. The winner photographers were awarded with several prizes. The forth contest was arranged in 2004. 2600 photos took part in it. The winner 100 photos were exhibitied for a week in National Gallery. The Gala party, held in Hotel Marriot, announced the winner photos in the following nominations: The Portrait, The Architect Landscape, the Serries, The Landscape, The Communication (the nomination of the General Sponsor - one of the leading Cellural Company in Georgia), The Special Prize and The Grand Prize. The 100 Best Photos of the Year was chosen of 3500 photos taking part in Kolga 2005. There were many photograpers participating from several countries, such as: USA, Germany, France, Turkey… The exhibition was organaised in the central prospect of Tbilisi, that was attanded by 1500 persons. The openning ceremony was broadcated by one of the leading TV channes of the country. The contest moved to the National Gallery. At the Conclusive Party the winners were awarded with several prizes as well as with Prize Money. Kolga 2005 was sponsored by several famous companies and the municipality. The Gala Party of the Kolga 2006 was arranged in Tbilisi Museum of History. The contest organisative group addmits that the number of competitive photos of as Georgian as foreign photographers as well was unusually high. The photos distinguished with professional and qualified sense. The exhibition was attanded by an incredible number of people. The exposition of the best 100 photos was held in molberts – situated proportionally and individully lighened in the balcoons of both floors of the museum. In the Holl of the first floor there was placed Tbilisi. The event was worth to admitt. The winner photos of Kolga 2007 were exhibitied in the oval corridors of Tbilisi Big Concert Holl. The visitors were amused with Tbilisi Big Band. The winner photos were chosen by the members of Polish Photo Agency (AF Photos). The winner of Kolga 2007 was Julia Melse – German Photographer. The contest was sponsored with several leader companies and they awarded the winners with several prizes and Prize Money.
Photo Competition “Kolga 2009”
Competition theme: Freestyle
Special Nomination: 1. “Europe today”
100 winner photos will be exhibited and annual catalogue will be issued.
100 winner photos will automatically participate in the “Lee make history” annual photocontest (Prize capital – 50000 euro)
Prize capital - 5000 GEL
- anyone can take part in the photo competition amount of the photos is not determined
-photo print size is A5 (15X21)
-fee for per competitive photo is 1 (one) GEL
- receiving and registration of the photos - from February 25 till March 25 on the address:
6, Meliqishvili str.
Tbilisi. Georgia. 0179
ProFoto Center
Tel: 995 90 93 21 98
For additional information apply:
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