Saturday, May 23, 2009

NEWS: 08 May 09 until 22 May 09 | Caucasus Reporting Service 492 und 494 (

Baku Mosque Demolitions Undermine Tolerance Claims
It has led some to accuse government of clinging onto Soviet system of keeping a tight rein on believers. By Leyla Amirova in Baku (CRS No. 494, 21-May-09)
Armenia: Journalists Defiant After New Attacks
Recent attacks on journalists underline media’s struggle to report freely on politics and business. By Gayane Mkrtchian in Yerevan (CRS No. 494, 22-May-09)

Violence Mars Preparations for Armenian Poll
Several attacks on activists have revived memories of deadly clashes that followed elections last year. By Rita Karapetian in Yerevan (CRS No. 493, 15-May-09)

Outcry in Azerbaijan After Student Protest Broken Up
Campaigners condemn police crackdown on demonstrators who disrupted commemoration of ex-president’s birthday. By Sabina Vaqifqizi and Shahin Rzayev in Baku (CRS No. 493, 15-May-09)

Opposition Present Saakashvili With Deadline to Go
Georgian leader’s foes dismiss reported mutiny as a stunt put up by the authorities to distract public from protests. By Tamar Kadagidze in Tbilisi (CRS No. 492, 8-May-09)

Massacre Sparks Terror Fears in Azerbaijan
Unexplained shooting of 13 people in Baku feeds speculation about foreign ”terrorist” plots aimed at undermining stability. By Boyukaga Agayev in Baku (CRS No. 492, 8-May-09)

Pollution in Border Reservoir Worries Armenia
Future health of the vital water resource ultimately depends on restoration of ties between Armenia and Turkey. By Yeranuhi Soghoian in Gyumri (CRS No. 492, 8-May-09)

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