Sunday, May 17, 2009

PHOTOBLOG: The photographer Alexander Bagration-Davidoff has got a nice blog with his work (

Some days ago I had a nice time in the NEW ART CAFÉ from Rusiko Oat. I met there my friends Anni Chichinadze from Georgia Today and the young guy Alexander Bagrationi. With Alexander I spoke about the photography in Georgia. Some hours before this meeting he contacted me in facebook and sent it me his Photoblog. His last posted works are from the village is called “sun of suns”, in georgian “Mzetamze”. Another posted series was realized a year ago, somewhere in svanetian mountains, in upper abkhazia, which’s also called Dali’s Gorge. He likes the combination of dangerous, emotionful situations in the metaphor of georgian landscape. Aditional I asked him it is possible to meet Thomas Dvorzak. He said me that he is a good friend of him. But at the time we couldn't meet this photographer from MAGNUM AGENCY. He is at the time in Chechnya for photographing. Here you can see some photos from Alexander Bagrationi on his blog:

1 comment:

  1. great thanks mr ralph!

    i am too glad :)
