Wednesday, August 12, 2009

MEDIA: Me magazine: New issue; Me in Copenhagen Catalogue of good practices. (

Good news: Our magazine has been included in Copenhagen Catalogue of Good Practices among 20 LGBT good practices from around the world and being the ONLY LGBT media entry!

Another good news: New 11th issue is out! It tells the reader how and why homosexuality was pathologized and criminalized; what impact does internalized homophobia have; gives reports from Riga, Moscow, Chisinau prides; and from very interesting training session in Istanbul; In interview section we speak with Alekper Aliyev - author of Azeri-Armenian gay love story entitled "Artush and Zaur"; Art section examines Mark Ravenhil's drama and "For women only" story gives account of men free adventure of Georgian girl in Germany. Last not least, our reader gets bonus sensitizer through Martin Rochlin's heterosexuality questionnaire. Don't miss the issue.

Publisher recommendation: Read it in the morning with naturally flavored coffee down the street

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