Friday, October 09, 2009


Stipendium: Russian and Eurasian Studies in St. Petersburg, DAAD
Please note the DAAD scholarship application deadline for those who would like to obtain funding to study in St. Petersburg, Russia: DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst)

Jahresstipendium: Bewerbung bis 15.11. des Vorjahres
Semesterstipendium: Bewerbung bis 15.02. fur September des gleichen Jahres.

"IMARES" stands for The International MA in Russian and Eurasian Studies, It is delivered at the EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY at ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA IMARES COURSES OFFERED in 2010-2011

Division 1

* Security Threats in Eurasia: Armed Conflicts, Terrorism, and Extremism * The State, Violence, and the Mafia in Comparative Perspective * Energy Security and Russian Politics * Comparing Capitalisms * International Relations and International Security in Russia and Eurasia * Politics in Post-Soviet Eurasia * Post-Soviet Political Economy * Russian Foreign Policy * State Building in Russia and Eurasia * Society and Politics in Central Asia Division 2 SOCIETY
AND HISTORY * The Political Culture of the Russian Revolution * Islam and Nationalism in Eurasia * Siberia: An Introduction to the Region * Russian Media, Culture and Society * Doing Fieldwork in Russia * Russian Political and Social History * A World History of the Caucasus, 3000 B.C.E. - 2009 C.E. TEACHING MODULE IN KAZAN: EMPIRE AND ISLAM * Ethnicity and Culture in Soviet and Post-Soviet Tatarstan * Imperial Histories, Eurasian Political and Intellectual Controversies THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE COURSE

Whether because of global energy concerns, regional and ethnic conflicts, economic growth, migration, East-West relations, or political unpredictability, the Eurasian space continues to attract international attention. The International M.A. in Russian and Eurasian Studies (IMARES) at EUSP is designed to meet this strong interest by engaging the many analytical challenges posed therein.

The program provides training in the politics, economy, society, and history of Russia and neighboring Eurasian states. It combines the highest standards of teaching in English by Russian and international faculty with the advantages of living in St. Petersburg, Russia's cultural capital. A separate teaching module on Empire and Islam is offered in Kazan, the city where Slavic and Turkic civilizations meet. We offer a comprehensive and varied curriculum.

IMARES, an advanced graduate program for students who already hold a B.A. degree or its equivalent, offers training and research opportunities as well as firsthand experience to get a close feel for Russia and the many other countries in the wider region. In 1998 this program began as M.A. in Russian Studies. By 2009 more than 200 international students have taken our Russian Studies courses and more than 80 M.A. degrees have been awarded.

One of the advantages of IMARES is that there is no language prerequisite whatsoever, but it does provide good quality Russian classes for those who want to master the language (4 levels starting from zero).

EUSP is quite unique and more high-end an institution even among the most renowned universities in the former Soviet Union. It brings together international state of the art research and education in social sciences and humanities, and the best traditions of Russian scholarship. Being one of the very few independent postgraduate colleges in Russia, it has a tutorial style of unparalleled quality for those who really want to advance knowledge in history, political science, anthropology, sociology, art history and economics. EUSP's specialty is the only in Russia fully-fledged English-language Masters program for international students in social sciences and
humanities (IMARES - One of the best Russian and Eurasian studies MA programs, it is complemented by other international programs taught in English including the undergraduate semester abroad in Russian studies
(RSSA - and summer schools

Today all the application package can be submitted by emailing
including recommendations and scanned transcripts. It should include:

1. A completed and signed application form (found on the IMARESwebpages)
2. Your statement of purpose (not more than 500 words)
3. Two letters of recommendation from academics who are closely acquainted with your academic work
4. Certified transcripts of previous undergraduate and graduate studies, with grade-point averages
5. Your Curriculum Vitae

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